land transportation

  • First Horse and Buggy used

    First Horse and Buggy used
    the first horse and buggy was used in the 15th century.
  • Why it was used?

    Why it was used?
    the horse and buggy was used because most people did not have enough money to travel. they also did not want to walk everywhere they go. most people did not have money to buy a car so they bought something useful.
  • First Car

    First Car
    the first car was built in 1885/1886.
  • Why cars were invented

    Cars were invented because people were interested in seeing whether or not they could build a vehicle that could make travel easier. As early as the 1700s, European engineers started to play with the idea of creating motor-powered vehicles.
  • automotive industry in us

    automotive industry in us
    Cars were invented because people were interested in seeing whether or not they could build a vehicle that could make travel easier. As early as the 1700s, European engineers started to play with the idea of creating motor-powered vehicles.
  • why were factories built

    There are many different types of automobiles - steam, electric, and gasoline - as well as countless styles. Exactly who invented the automobile is a matter of opinion. If we had to give credit to one inventor, it would probably be Karl Benz from Germany.
  • why have cars developed

    Since the first car was developed in 1885, a number of improvements have been made. The car designed by Karl Benz looks ancient compared with today's streamlined and slick models. It only had three wheels; one at the front, which steered the vehicle, and two at the rear.
  • New Cars back in the day

    New Cars back in the day