Labor Unions and Strikes

By aroth23
  • Noble Order of the Knights of Labor

    Noble Order of the Knights of Labor
    The Noble Order of the Knights of Labor was formed by garment workers in Philadelphia. It was opened to farmers, merchants, and wage earners. They worked for equal pay, abolition of child labor, and an eight hour work day.
  • Labor Day

    Labor Day
    Labor Day became a national holiday during the Pullman Strike. It is usually celebrated by a parade or festival honoring workers and their families. Many people see Labor Day as the end of summer.
  • American Federation of Labor

    American Federation of Labor
    The American Federation of Labor focused on better working conditions and better pay. It was mostly craft oriented people. They would put union labels on produced items.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    In the Haymarket Square riot, workers at the McCormick Harvesting Machine in Chicago went on strike for eight hours. The police had to come to break up the strike. Eight policemen died and 100 others got injured, and the public began to see unions as a problem.
  • "How the Other Half Lives" by Jacob Riis

    "How the Other Half Lives" by Jacob Riis
    This book documented the living conditions of the New York City slums during the 1880s. The rooms and hallways were dark and crammed. There was a public restroom on each floor that the families had to share and most of the people living in the tenement were very dirty from not taking many baths.
  • The Homestead Strike

    The Homestead Strike
    The Homestead Strike was one of the most serious diputes in US labor history. It occured between the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers and the Carnegie Steel Company in Homested, Pennsylvania. The final result was a major defeat and setback for union steel workers.
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike
    The Pullman strike occured when the company owner, George M. Pullman, cut the wages of his workers but not the rent in his company town. The military had to be brought in to stop the strike.
  • The Coal Strike

    The Coal Strike
    The Coal Strike was led by the United Mine Workers of America. The strike threatned the winter supply of coal to major cities. The President became involved and stooped the strike.
  • "The Bitter Cry of Children" by John Spargo

    "The Bitter Cry of Children" by John Spargo
    This book exposed the hardships of children working in mines. Many of the young children were not educated and spent all day in the mine. Many developed back or breathing problems from working all day in the mind.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    The Pure Food and Drug Act provided federal inspection of meat products. It also forbids the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food products. Poisonous medicine is also forbidden on food in the act.
  • Triangle Shirt Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirt Factory Fire
    The triangle shirt factory fire showed people the poor working conditions that the employees worked in. One hundred and forty-six people died in the fire. Many of the people in the factory that died were immagrants from other countries.
  • Congress of Industrial Organization

    Congress of Industrial Organization
    The Congress of Industrail Organization was originally part of the American Federation of Labor. It broke away because it focused more on industrial terms than craft terms. It became part of the American Federation of Labor in 1955.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    The National Labor Relations Act gave the power to punish unfair labor practices. It also created a minimum age of employment and hours a child can work. The act was pro labor and created the National Labor Relations Board.
  • GM Sit-down Strike

    GM Sit-down Strike
    The action against GM brought attention to the tactic of sit-down strikes and their efectiveness. The employees remained in the workplace while on strike to prevent work from getting done. To stop the strike, President Roosevelt had to pressure GM's management to talk to the workers.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    The Fair Labor Standards Act regulates child labor. For the first time there is a minimum age of employment. The number of hours a child can work is regulated by federal law.
  • "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair

    "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair
    This book described the fithy conditions of the meat packing industry. Upton Sinclair published this book to expose the labor abuses in the industry. His description led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act.
  • Steel Strike

    Steel Strike
    The Steel Strike was led by the United Steel Workers of America against 10 US steel companies. President Truman nationalized the steel industry before the workers could walk out. The steel company sued and ended up winning. The steelworkers went on strike and ended on the terms they had originally proposed.
  • Major League Baseball Strike

    Major League Baseball Strike
    This was the first player's strike in Major League baseball history. Baseball resumed when the owners and players agreed on a $500,000 increase in pension funds. The 86 games that the player's missed during the strike were never made up.
  • New York City Transit Strike

    New York City Transit Strike
    The strike began at 3:00 a.m. when all service on the subway and buses was stopped. Millions of commuter were affected. The strike officialy ended on December 22 and the transportation was restored on the 23rd.