Kurtis Doe's Lifespan Development

  • 0-3 years of age (intellectual)

    0-3 years of age (intellectual)
    In this life stage most babies start exploring things with their mouths and begin to focus more on people's hand movements. Babies will also start to recognise their mother's voice. Has been discovered that most babies by 12 months can speak their first understndable word, also their attention span increases. roughly at 1 month can lift their chin and have some control of their head. some babies can try and walk without the support of others at roughly 15 months.
  • 0-3 years of age (physical)

    0-3 years of age (physical)
    Most babies double their birth weight and grow 30% in length by the 5th month of age. Roughly at 6 months the baby is most likely to be able to roll over and can sit up with support. Can crawl and pull themselves up to the standing position at roughly 9 months. At 15 months can walk without help and maybe depending on their development can crawl upstairs. at 3 years they can dress and undress themselves rides a tricycle and stands on foot.
  • 0-3 years of age (emotionally)

    0-3 years of age (emotionally)
    At this age a baby may only be able to communicate with their parents through only crying, this may mean various things. Such as they may feel hungry or just need a nappy change. They will start to form bonds with the people closest to them. Facial expressions is also another known way for babies to communicate with others. the baby may enjoy the sound of their mother's voice. At this point the bay will start becoming independant in themselves.
  • Period: to

    john doe

  • 0 - 3 years of age (socially)

    Likes to held. May not like being held by strangers. Will become ndependent on their carers/ parents. Learns their mpthers voice and mimics other people's facial expressions.
  • 4 - 9 years of age (physically)

    at this stage on life he will start to be able to jump,skip,run and even kick a ball. play with building blocks. Learn to balance. will be able to draw and take part in specific sports such as football, tennis and basketball. They may increase in weight and height. Their body will start to change shape. Theit face structure will mature.
  • 4 - 9 years of age (intellectually)

    He will be able to count to 20 and maybe above. Be able to say full sentences. Will use a wider vocabulary. Learn new skills in school such as manners, language, communiucation. Will be able to remember letters and numbers easier than before.
  • 4 - 9 years of age (emotionally)

    Will experience trust at some point. Will grasp the concept that they are not the centre of attention. Will experience emotions such as anger and stress when they learn that they can't always get their own way.
  • 4 -9 years of age (socially)

    He may spend more time with his family at this point in life. We will also experience co-operative and parrallel play. Make friendships and will play with unknown individuals. He will also find it easy to bond with other children of his own age or under.
  • 10-18 of age (physically)

    They will start going into puberty where they will grow facial hair,pubic hair and their body may change in size. their muscles develop and their balls may drop (some how later in life they can bring their balls back up if they want to). males with also develop body odour which is caused from sweating due to doing exercise. they will also take part in and outside school activities/sport.
  • 10-18 years of age (intellectully)

    They will start sitting their exams, siuch as their SAT's and GCSE's. they will be moving up in language and moving up in school, from junior school to high school then to college and as they go upwards they will meet new chllenges such as learning different languages e.g. french, spanish. they will start to experience money issues and will develop in taking information in more faster as they go upwards in school.
  • 10-18 years of age (emotionally and socially)

    Their network of friends increase due to meeting new people from going up wards from primary school to college. He will be socialising more than he did before due to in this stage you will socialize more with your friends and family plus intimate relatioships. He will experience emotions such as stress, anxiety and even anger. Depending on the circumstances he may even fall down the social ladder depending if he is a confident person. They may also feel like their self confidence has decreased.
  • 19 - 65 years of age (physical)

    There are many factors which can change over this period of time such as:
    * May start to shrink over a duration of time.
    * Their hair may thinen.
    * They face and hands may produce wrinkles.
    * Their vision and hearing will start to dteriate.
    * He will become less mobile over a period of time, depending on the circumstances.
    * His muscle strength will decrease over a period of time.
  • 19 - 65 years of age (intellectual)

    Their brain may start to function slower than it did before. They would have gained a wider vocabulary. His memory span may decrease. He would be learning from his social group e.g. how to do specific things such as skateboard or roller blade. He may at this stage in life have a sudden interest in crosswords andwordsearches depending on the circumstances of his lifestyle.
  • 19 - 65 years of age (emotional)

    He may experience mood swings and financial worries, which could cause him to feel stressed or depressed. He will go through life, now his older experiencing the joy of marriages and the sorrow of deaths and divorces. He may also experience anxiety and stress if he has children. May also experience lonliness from moving out or living on his own without an intimate relatioship.
  • 19 - 65 years of age (social)

    He now be part of the working social class after leaving higher education and now having job which come sunder more responsibility. They may also spend most of their evening at the cafe or at take away shops. His circles of friends will chage from friends to colleagues and spend most of his time with them. In this case his network of friends will decrease a little bit due to not staying in contact that often with his previous school friends.
  • 65 + years of age (physical)

    His body will increase in factors such as:
    * Wrinkles
    * mobilty
    * weakness in the bones (brittle bones)
    * Hair may fall out
    * Skin loses elasticity
    * Circulation slows down (feels the cold more)
    * More medical problems.
    * Hearing will continue to detiarate.
    * Vision may also continue to detiriate as well.
    * They may even lose their sight depending on the

  • 65 + years of age (intellectual)

    His brain will start to function at a slower pace than before. He may do brain games such as wordsearches, sudokus and crosswords. Some individuals may do these specific activities to help keep the brain going at a regualar pace or if they are socially deprived and have nothing to do in the house. His memenory may also continue to deteiriate over a period of time.
  • 65 + years of age (emotional)

    They experience stress and depression onwards of this stage. they experience lonliness (deaths of their family and partner). may also be socially deprived due to beiong less moblie and going out less.
  • 65 + years of age (social)

    From being less mobile. He may find out that you don't socialize as often as you used to based on that you can't walk for the longer distance to used to be able to do. His network of friends may be narrowed down to just family and close friends. At thos stage in life his aprtner may have passed away and he may now be living on his own.
  • final stages of life (physically)

    He will increase in wrinkles. His hair may continue to fall out. His immune system will slowly shut down as well as a majority of his organs. He will become less mobile with his body. He may experince an increase in medical problems.
  • final stage sof life (intellectually)

    His brain with continue diteriating. He may still have an interest in word search or crosswords to help keep his brain in memory of his vocabulary. He may experience dimensia ( forgetting things).
  • final stages of life (emotionally)

    He may be quite emotional at this atge in life knowing that he has onlt got a period of time left of his life so he may feel depressed, stressed that he didn't get to do things tthat he wished he had of done. feel sad due to his partner may have died already and that he lives on his own for this last stage of his life.
  • fianl stages of life (socially)

    with the last stages in his life he may stay at home most of his time as his network of friends may havwe decreased due to becoming less mobile and not being able to get out and make new friends. He may have losty his partner which means he is not currently in an intimate realtionship at the moment and still may be living on his own if not in a care home yet.