Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Russia enters the Middle East

    The NYT states "In the 19th century, the imperial Russian Governmant vied with Brittan for influence in Central Aisa"
  • Period: to

    Modern History of Afghanistan

  • Sanaubar leaves for the band of singers and dancers

    Rahim recalls that "None of [them] had heen Sanaubar since she had eloped with a band of singers and dancers in 1964..."(220) Later, Sanubar begs for forgivness for leaving and shows the extreme guilt that she felt when she left. When she comes back, you can see the old, scarred woman feels a sence of belonging and a sence of purpose on the property.
  • Afghanistan changes forever

    Amir vividly remembers how "Kabul awoke the next morning to find that the monarchy was a thing of the past... Daoud Khan had ended the king's forty-year reign with a bloodless coup."(36) The events that were caused by the coup still effect Amir into his adulthood. This one coup becan a viscous cycle of sadness, loss, pain and suffering that Afghanistan will once know too well.
  • Hassan had harelip surgery

    As Amir watched Hassans reaction to his surgery, he "expected Hassan to cry with horror when the nurse handed him the mirror. Ali held his hand as Hassan took a long, thoughtful look into it...He whispered it again."Tashakor." Thank you."(40) This qoute shows the loyalty of Hassan, who is to loyal to Amir and Baba that he would not ever look their gift horse in the mouth. He says thank you becasue he does not want to embarass Baba by being an ungrateful servant.
  • Hassan gets raped

    Amir, watching his last chance to help Hassa, almost "said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn't. I just watched. Paralyzed."(77) this moment in time will go on to fill Amir's life with regret. Due to this regret, when he confronts Assef later in life, he feels satistied even though he is beat up because he is able to release his anger by seeing how Assef is now
  • Amir wins Kite flying contest

    Amir recounts his plan for winning over Baba after the Kite Tornament.". A dramatic moment of silence. Then the old warrior would walk to the young one, embrace him, acknowledge his worthiness. Vindication. Salvation. Redemption. And then? Well... happily ever after, of course."(76) Amir winning the tornament because trying to win over his father who was never there for him. In his mind, he is following in has father's footsteps and becoming his fathers son.
  • Hassan and Ali leave Amir and Baba

    While Ali and Hassan declare their decision to move, Amir feels" glad that someone knew me for who I really was; I was tired of pretending."(106) Amir feeling happy as his childhood friend leaves him stays with him as guilt and torcher him for the rest of his life. This guilt gives him the power he needs to go to Afghanistan and save Sohrab.
  • Soviet troops enter Kabul

    According to the NYT "The first societ troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec 27, 1979, to assist Babrak …"
  • Amir and Baba leave Afghanistan

    Before the russian guard is able to rape the woman on the bus out of afghanistan, baba steps in and asks " where [your] shame is" Baba showing his morals to somone who has more power than his shows the fearlesness and purity. This adds to his dissapointment in Amir becase amir lacks this trait.
  • Death of Kamal and his father

    In shock from his son's death, Kamal's father wails " Allah, help him breathe"(124) Kamal's father kills himself to reunite himself with his son and end his pain. This amount of love is comparable to when George kills Lennie in Of Mice and Men becasue the secne is sad, but it is the product of unconditional love.
  • Afghan-American clashing values

    The difference in Afghan and American values is perfectly shown during Baba's rant about american ways when he says "Does he think I'm a thief?" Baba said, his voice rising. People had gathered outside. They were staring. "What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody!"(129)As the book contiued, you are able to see how amir grows up to value different morals as he accomodates to American values. You can see how this plays out as Amir acts differently when he visits afghanistan again.
  • Soviet Troops rendered useless in combat

    The NYT states "The soviet airforce was also rendered largley useless by advanced Stinger antiaircraft missiles"
  • Rahim Khan looks for Hassan

    In spite of keeping Baba house in good condition, Rahim Khan went to Hazarajat becasue "I had promised his I would take care of it when he and you left for Pakistan" Protecting a promise to an old friend perfectly portrays the Afghan value of honor. Rahim feels that the house must be so pefect, he expected humself to fund people to help him honor Baba insted of give up.
  • Baba is diagnosed with Cancer

    Baba is diagnosed wiht cancer and says" No chemo medication for me"(156) when asked about his treatment. Baba's odd choice encourages questions as the weatherhe values his own life or not. Later in the text when he does in fact die, people do not question his veiw on chemotherapy because they respect his too much to question him>
  • Amir marries Soraya

    Baba spends " nearly the balance of his life savings, on ... the wedding " (Hosseini 169) on Amir's entire wedding. Baba spends so much on the celebration becasue he knows he has little time left with the people he loves. This also shows his priorities as he is willing to spend his money on him and his family intsead of just himself.
  • Rahim Khan gets attacked in a soccer game

    Rahim Khan shows the difference in Amir's pure and joyful Afghanistan and the painful society of now when he talks of a boy who "walked up to [him] and struck [him] on the forehead with the butt of his Kalashnikov." (199)This action is the rude wakening to Rahim Khan that his homeland is long gone from its roots of respect and loyalty. This boy represents the change and desrespect that the Taliban introduces to Afghanistan
  • Soviets leave Afghanistan

    Due to peace talks, the NYT states "The last Soviet troops left Afghanistanin February 1986"
  • Soraya talks to parents about adoption

    During Soraya's talk about adoption, her father chimes in and says "Take Amir jan, here. We all knew his father, I know who his grandfather was in Kabul and his great- grandfather before him" (187) General Taheri values his old Afghan ways even in The U.S. which is showing clear problems in his relationship with his daughter. When his daughter is asked to act to and american idea of modern thinking and an Afghan sense of purity, she becomes overwelmed and is treated unfairly.
  • Power dispersed over many warlords once Soviet Union leaves

    According to the NYT, "by the summer of 1994, power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual feifdoms
  • Taliban gets funding from Pakistan

    The NYT says"As early as 1994, Pakistani INtelligence Officers began funneling arms, money, and supplies to [Omar's] men."
  • Taliban takes over

    The NYT states "Buoyed by Pakistani aid, the taliban by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan…"
  • Hamid Karzai becomes chairman of an interim government

    According to the NYT "In Decembar 2001, Mamid Karzai, A supporter and relative of Mohammad Zahir Shah… was named chairman of an interim government."
  • Amir talks with sohrab

    When talking for the first time, Sorab asks if [Amir] [is] the Amir agha Father told me about?"(Hosseini 298) Hassan telling Sohrab about his childhood friend shows the deep loyalty Hassan still has for Amir years after he left them on bad terms. This event also is the start of an interesting relationship between Amir and Sohrab
  • Sohrab attempts suicide in bathroom

    When explaining his suicide, Sohrab mentions that he "I want[s] [his] old life back."(354) Amir teaches Sohrab that he cannot give him back time with his parent, but he can help with a positive aditude to the future. Amir uses his experience with pain to better the quality of life for sohrab
  • Amir takes Sohrab to America

    Sohrab ansers amirs question about going to america by "never [accepting] my offer, nor did he decline it" (356). Sohrab is only going to the U.S because he has nowhere else where people will have simpathy for him. Even though Amir and Soraya love him very much, he never accepts because he is afraid to be let down again.
  • Attack on World Trade Center

    The NYT staters "…the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on Sept. 11, 2011…"
  • Karzai named 5-year president of interim government

    The NYT states "Mr.Karzai was elected to a five year term as president in 2004"