Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • 1973- from Kite Runner

    In 1973, Amir was reading to Hassan, but had "abandoned the story altogether, taken over the story, and made up [his] own" (Hosseini 30)
  • 1975- from Kite Runner

    In 1975, Amir won the kite fight, what he thinks of as the "single greatest moment of [his] life" (Hosseini 66).
  • 1975- from Kite Runner

    In the winter of 1975, Amir witnessed Hassan's rape, a terrible event that had a part in shaping him into "what [he is] today" (Hosseini 1)
  • 1976- from Kite Runner

    When Amir could no longer handle living with Hassan and being constantly reminded of his guilt, he" planted [his] new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it" (Hosseini 104).
  • 1978

    In 1978 "General Daud is overthrown and killed in a pro-Soviet coup. The People's Democratic Party comes to power but is paralysed by violent infighting and faces opposition by US-backed mujahideen groups" (BBC News)
  • 1979

    In December 1979, the "Soviet Army invades and props up communist government" (BBC News).
  • 1980- from Kite Runner

    In 1980, Baba and Amir began their new life "living in America" (Hosseini 125).
  • 1981- from Kite Runner

    In 1981, on their way to Pakistan, Baba and Amir "left Kabul just after two in the morning" (Hosseini 110).
  • 1983- from Kite Runner

    In the 1980s, Baba was diagnosed with a type of cancer called "'Oat Cell Carcinoma'. Advanced. Inoperable" (Hosseini 155-6).
  • 1986- from Kite Runner

    In 1986, Amir "went to Hazarajat to find Hassan" (Hosseini 203).
  • 1986- from Kite Runner

    In 1986, Amir requests that Baba "'ask General Taheri for his daughter's hand'" (Hosseini 161).
  • 1986- from Kite Runner

    In 1986, Baba fell asleep and "never woke up" (Hosseini 173)
  • 1987- from Kite Runner

    In , Amir finds out from Rahim Khan that he and Hassan are brothers "'half-brothers, really'" (Hosseini 322).
  • 1987- from Kite Runner

    In 1987, Amir locates Sohrab and fights Assef for him, "the first time [he'd] ever fought anyone" (Hosseini 288).
  • 1988

    In 1988 "Afghanistan, USSR, the US and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops" (BBC News).
  • 1989

    In 1989, the "Last Soviet troops leave, but civil war continues as mujahideen push to overthrow Najibullah" (BBC News).
  • 1992

    In 1992 "Najibullah's government toppled, but a devastating civil war follows" (BBC News).
  • 1996

    In 1996, the "Taliban seize control of Kabul and introduce hard-line version of Islam, banning women from work, and introducing Islamic punishments, which include stoning to death and amputations" (BBC News).
  • 1997

    In 1997, the Taliban was "recognized as legitimate rulers by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. They now control about two-thirds of country" (BBC News).
  • 1998- from Kite Runner

    Around 1998, after Sohrab being hospitalized for a few days following his attempted suicide, it was determined that although "they had to transfuse several units of red cells, ... revive him ... he is alive" (Hosseini 348).
  • 2001- from Kite Runner

    In June of 2001, when Rahim Khan calls Amir to visit him, Amir knows immediately that he has "'to go to Pakistan'" (Hosseini 191).
  • 2002- from Kite Runner

    In 2002,for the first time since his attempted suicide, "one corner of [Sohrab's] mouth had curled up just so. A smile. Lopsided" (Hosseini 370).
  • 2004

    In January 2004 "Loya Jirga [grand council] adopts new constitution which provides for strong presidency" (BBC News)
  • 2008

    In July 2008 a "Suicide bomb attack on Indian embassy in Kabul kills more than 50" (BBC News).
  • 2015

    In October 2015 a "Powerful earthquake kills more than 80 people in northeast of country" (BBC News).