Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Monarchy ended - book

    At first the shooting had been thought of as men hunting ducks but the truth was discovered the next day, "Kabul awoke the next morning to find that the monarchy was a thing of the past...Daoud Khan...ended the king's forty-year reign with a bloodless coup." (36) The was no longer a king Afghanistan, the power had been taken over by someone new. The coup with ether benifit afghanistan or it will lead to troubling things to occur
  • Hassan's last kite run

    After Amir had won the Kite Tournament, Hassan went to go run the last kite and he ran into the other boys which had lead to trouble, " My pardon comes with a small's only going to cost you that blue kite... I've changed my mind... I'll let you keep it so it will remind you of what i'm about to do" (72) Assef is about to violate Hassan because of what he had done to him before. And Amir witnesses the whole thing but is to scared to do anything so he runs away.
  • Amir's Birthday

    At Amir's birthday party he witnessed another thing he wished he could stop, "I saw something I'll never forget: Hassan serving drinks to Assefand Wali from a silver plater...Assef grinning, kneading Hassan in the chest with a knuckle. Then, mercifully darkness" (100) Amire sees what Assef is doing to hassan and because Hassan is a Hazara he can;t do anything to defend himself. Amir is reminded of what he should have done in the beginning which was to defend Hassan against Assef.
  • Ali and Hassan leave

    Even after Baba forgave Hassan Ali told him, "We are leaving, Agha sahib," Ali said...we can't live here here is impossible for us now." (pg 106) Ali and Hassan leave Baba's household which makes Baba beg Ali to reconsider and stay. Baba keeps pleading to Ali to tell him why is he leaveing
  • Soviet Union invades

    Afghanistan has had a hard time over the years, "Afghanistan...Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, has known little known peace since 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded." (New York Times 1)
  • Soviets first enter afghan

    The Soviets entered Afgan under the pretense to help the new leader, "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec 27, 1979, to assit Babra kKarmal... become president in a coup within Afghan Communist leadership." (New Your Times 2)
  • Amir and Baba leave Kabul

    Amir has to secretly leave his home with Baba, "My innards have been roiling since we'd left Kabul just after two in the morning...taking us to Jalalabad." (pg 111) Because of the Soviets coming in Afghanistan everyone has become divided and nobody can be trusted. Baba and Amir are forced to secretly leave Kabul to go America where they will be safer.
  • Baba gets cancer

    Baba and Amir go to the doctor to examin whats wrong with Baba, "Baba's [cancer} was called 'Oat Cell Carinoma'...prognosis...there is chemotheropy...only pallitaive...won't change the outxome." (pg 156) Amir knows that he will have to get ready to live without Baba because the cancer will only give them a short time together. Baba has obvously been a huge part of Amir's life and he has been with him through everything. Amir might be a little lost when Baba dies.
  • Amir gets married

    Amir married Soraya, "Soraya's hand in mine, as three hundredor so faces looked on. We did Ayena Masshaf...threw a veil over our heads so we'd be alone" (pg 171) Amir had finally found a wife, Soraya, and he was able to get married before Baba died. Baba was able to see his son grown up and helped with giving him his last bit of hppiness.
  • Baba dies

    The cancer had finally beaten Baba, "Baba never woke...I...had been defined by Baba and the marks he had whole life i had been 'Baba's son'...he was gone...couldn't show me the way anymore." (174) Everything that Amir had done had almost always been influenced by Baba. Now that he was gone Amir wouldn't have anyone to help guide him as Baba had done.
  • Amir and Soraya try to have children

    After Amir's first novel Amir and Soraya decided to further their lives, "Soraya and I began trying to have a child...the idea of fatherhood unleashed a swirl of emotions in me.I found it frightening...I wanted to be like Baba and I wanted to be nothing like him." (184) Amir is scared about what kind of father he might become. He wanted to act like Baba did but he also didn't want to do what Baba did so maybe this child wouldn't make his mistakes.
  • Soviets leave -book

    The Soviets are almost gone by the time Amir write's his novel, "In the summer of 1988 about six months before the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, I finished my first novel." A few months after his novel the Soviets finally leave Afghanistan after being their and causeing chaos for years. The people of Afghanistan will think that their years of anarchy and chaos are over.
  • Soviet Troops leave Afghan in ruins

    When the troops left, they left a country in ruins, "Last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989...left behind a country not only devastated in war... had become a beacon to Islamic extremist" (New York Times 2).
  • Amir and Soraya can't have children

    When Amir and Sorraya find out they can't have children, they were heartbroken, "Someone, somewhere, had descided to deny me fatherhood for the things that I had done. Maybe this was my punishment..." (188) Amir thinks he is being punished for his past transgresions. Thats the reason he blames himself for not being able to have a child.
  • Afghan left divided

    Afghan was left to its own divices after power wasn't held by one group, "After Soviet forces departed, Afghanistan descened into vicious internecine strife; by the summer of 1994, power was anarchically divided among...warlords and indivual fiefdoms." (New York Times 2)
  • The Taliban begins

    One group was bound to take over Afghanistan soon, "The Taliban grew out of a student movement dedicated to purifying the country, based in the southeast...the pushtun" (New York Times 2
  • The Taliban grows

    "By the end of 1994 Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers...with his promise of restoring the centrality to Islam to daily life...created a genuinely popular movment ina country weary of corruption and brutality" (New York Times 2)
  • The Taliban rolled in

    Rahim Khan is teling Amir what was happening when Hassan came to live with him, "We all celebrated in 1996 when the Taliban rolled in and put an end to the daily fighting." (pg 213) Everyone had thought that when the Taliban had finally ended all the fighting thing would get better. Instead the Taliban increased the chaos and made afghanistan in worse shape then before.
  • Sohrab goes to the hospital

    Thinking that he would have to go back to an orphanage Sohab trys to take his life, but he is soon rushed to the hospital, "The boy has cut himself deeply...lost a great deal of blood...twice they had to revive him...he is alive." (Pg 348) Sorab would rather take his own life than have to go back to an orphangae where people might hurt him again. Amir didn't want to have Sorab's blood on his hands and he didn't want to fail him like he did for Hassan.
  • Taliban takeover

    Afghanistan had finally gotten under power by the Taliban, "Buoyed by Pakistani aid, the Taliban by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan, imposing strict enforcments of fundamentaist Islamic Law" (New York Times 3)
  • The Hazara Massacre

    The war was over and the Taliban had won, they were supose to create peace, "God help the Hazaras now...the war is over Hassan there's going to be peace...two years later, in 1998, they massacred the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif." (pg 213) It was belived that when the Taliban rose and defeated everyone in Afghanistan, there would be no more fighting and everything would go back to the way it had been. Instead of creating peace they create pandomonium, they tried to purify Afghan by killing Hazaras
  • Arriveing Home

    After being away from Soraya for so long Amir and Sohrab had come back to America, " We arrived home about seven months ago, on a warm day in August 2001...I had never been away from Soraya for so long." (Pg 357) They had finally come from Afghanistan back to America where Sohrab had to start a new life with Amir and Soraya. Amir and Soraya were trying to make Sohrab feel as welcome and loved as possible.
  • 9/11 attack from Al Qaeda

    As the United States got more into helping Afghanistan, "The United States had been militarly invoved in Afghanistan since 2001...led an invasion after Sept. 11 attack by Al Queds." (New York Times 1)
  • Al Qaeda and Taliban removed from power

    The article states, "The 2001 invasian succeded in dislodging Al Qaeda and removing Taliban from powe, ut no in eradicating ether group" (New York Times 1)
  • The Karzai Government

    In desprate need of a new and better leader one was selected to help the struggleing country, "In december 2001, Hamid Karzai...named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him leader of the country" (New York Times 2)