Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Period: to

    Hassan Runs His Last Kite

    Shortly after Hassan is raped Amir notices that Hassan no longer likes to run or fly kites. Amir notices that "in the winter of 1975, [Amir] saw Hassan run a kite for the last time" (Hosseini 55). Multiple times within the novel, Hassan is described as one of Afghanistan's best kite runners. The fact that Hassan stops running kites proves that he had a very traumatic experience and that it was enough to stop him from continuing something he loves.
  • Period: to

    Hassan is Raped

    Hassan roams off from Amir and Amir witnesses Hassan get raped. At the time of Amir watching he came up with two solutions, he "could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan ... and accept whatever would happen to [him]. Or [he] could run. In the end [Amir] ran" (Hosseini 77). Proving that Amir is a coward, and also showing that Amir is unwilling to stand up for Hassan. The unwillingness to stand up for others when they are in need shows that Amir is selfish and puts his needs before others.
  • Period: to

    Hassan and Ali Stop Working for Baba

    After Hassan's rape and Amir framing Hassan, Ali decided that it was no longer safe for his son. Ali decided that Hassan and himself were "leaving ... [they could not] live [there] anymore ... life here is impossible for [Ali and Hassan] now ... [they are] leaving" (Hosseini 106). Amir's selfishness caused one of his only true friends to leave him. Although their friendship was already about to collapse, Hassan tried to keep it afloat, but in the end Amir sank their friendship.
  • The Soviet Invasion (Before)

    The Soviet Invasion began with Soviet troops parachuting into Kabul to assist Babrak Karmal, who had become president in a coup within the Afghan Communist leadership" (New York Times).
  • Baba and Amir Move to America

    After hard times in Afghanistan Baba came to the colclusion that it was best for them to move to America. He "loved the idea of America" (Hosseini 125).
  • Period: to

    Karmal and His Father Die (Part I)

    Baba, Amir and the refugees are hiding in the basement. Karmal had been raped and finally given up on life, his father points out that "he won't breathe! My boy won't breath ... a moment later, Karmal's father was standing with Karim's gun in his hand ... but before any of us could say or do a thing, Karmal's father shoved the barrel in his own mouth" (Hosseini 124).
  • Period: to

    Karmal and His Father Die (Part II)

    ... After giving up on life, Karmal shows that everything that goes around comes around, he helped Assef rape Hassan, but now after being raped himself, he gave up and stopped trying. Karmal's giving up was too much to bare for Karmal's father, that he realized that he did not want to be in a world without his son.
  • Period: to

    Amir Graduates High School

    After living in America for about a year, Amir is finally done with high school. He "graduated from high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior" (Hosseini 131). Amir showed his courage and his love for learning in multiple ways. For example, he one, went to a new place and started a new life. Secondly, he was not scared that he was the oldest senior, but he wanted to learn, so he went to school and graduated.
  • Period: to

    Amir Meets the General Taheri and His Daughter

    Amir sets out to get two cups of coffee for himself and Baba when he runs into General Taheri, when they start to talk, Baba meets with Amir and as they are about to leave the General's daughter comes outside. She made such an impression on Amir that "for the rest of that day, [Amir] fought the urge to look toward the gray van" (Hosseini 141). The impression that she made on Amir was so strong that he later continues to see her. Eventually the two will get married.
  • Period: to

    Baba Shows First Signs of Having Cancer

    Baba caught a cold and he did not get better. About "two weeks later, [Amir] caught [Baba] coughing a wad of bloodstained phlegm into the toilet" (Hosseini 153). The bloodstained phlegm was the first sign that Baba had showing that his health was declining. This would later lead to his passing.
  • Period: to

    Baba Asks the General for His Daughter's Hand In Marriage for Amir

    About five months has passed since Amir met Soraya and he has fallen in love with her. Amir asks Baba to go the general to ask for Soraya's hand in marriage. When Baba come back he tells Amir that "the general accepted" (Hosseini 162). When the general accepted Baba's offer, the author explains that Amir will be getting married soon. Showing that Amir is moving on with his life and creating his own family away from Baba.
  • Period: to

    Baba Passes Away

    one night Soraya's aunts came over for dinner and Baba saw how happy Amir was. When Soraya is putting Baba to bed he says that "there is no pain tonight ... Baba never woke up" (Hosseini 173). Baba saw how happy his son has become and he passed away happy. He realized that his time was up and he passed away with the thought that his son was happy.
  • Period: to

    Amir Finishes his First Novel

    It was six months before the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, and Amir was still in America writing his novel. His novel was "a father-son story set in Kabul" (Hosseini 182). By publishing his first novel, Amir showed is love for writing. He pushed through and finished the novel he wrote.
  • Soviet Forces Depart Afghanistan

    After much effort and "peace talks moderated by the United Nations, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan" (New York Times).
  • Period: to

    Hassan's Son is Born

    Hassan's wife had become pregnant earlier that year and Hassan's mother had returned. Hassan's mother "who delivered Hassan's son" (Hosseini 211). It was earlier revealed that Ali was not able to have children, and it is later explained that Baba is Hassan's father, making Amir and Hassan half brothers. It is also revealed that Hassan and his wife were killed, leaving their son without parents.
  • Mullah Omar's Following is Growing

    By the end of the year 1994, "Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers and was rolling up the warlords to the north and east. With his promise of restoring the centrality of Islam to daily life, he created a genuinely popular movement in a country weary of corruption and brutality" (New York Times).
  • Period: to

    Taliban Provide a Haven for Mr. bin Laden

    The Taliban proved "a haven for Mr. bin Laden, who arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport" (New York Times).
  • Period: to

    Amir Finds Out Rahim Khan is Dying When Amir is Visiting Him

    Amir has gone to Afghanistan when he finds out Rahim Khan calls to tell Amir that there is a way to be good again. When he is visiting Rahim Khan he finds out that Rahim Khan does not think he will "see the end of the summer" (Hosseini 201). Rahim Khan had been like a father figure to Amir when he was young. Not only has Amir seen Baba pass away, but now he must see his other father die, leaving Amir without his parents.
  • Period: to

    Amir Finds Sohrab

    After visiting Rahim Khan in the hospital, Amir finds out that Hassan had a child and that child is his half-nephew. Amir sets out to find Sohrab, when he does he "took Sohrab's hand. It was small, the skin dry and calloused" (Hosseini 286). Amir had been beating himself up from his guilt, and when he finally found Sohrab, he wanted to save him and he would do almost anything to get the little boy out of there. He wanted to save the little boy and himself.
  • Attack on the United States

    The United States military had been involved in Afghanistan since 2001, leading to "an invasion after the Sept. 11 attacks by Al Qaeda" (New York Times).
  • Hamid Karzai was Sworn in as Leader

    A relative of Hahammad Zahir Shah, "Hamid Karzai... the exiled former king of Afghanistan, was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country" (New York Times).
  • Period: to

    Amir Takes Sohrab Kite Running

    Amir took Sohrab back with him to America. He wanted Sohrab to connect with his father, so Amir teaches Sohrab how to cute other kites down. Amir gives Sohrab the kite's spool and Amir notices that Sorab's "face was a little flushed, his eyes suddenly alert. Awake. Alive" (Hosseini 369). Another way to get Sohrab to conenct back with his father, Amir takes Sohrab kite running, knowing that it would help connect the two. Although Sohrab is not his actual child, Amir takes Sohrab in as his own.
  • Hamid Karzai Takes Office

    Hamid Karzai "took office as interim president... saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid. Mr. Karzai was elected to a five-year term as president in 2004" (New York Times).
  • General Petraeus Takes charge of United States Central Command

    Taking charge of the United States Central Command leaves General Petraeus "with the responsibility for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and across the region" (New York Post).
  • Obama Announces His Plan

    At West point, during a speech "Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops. He vowed to start brining American fores home for Afghanistan in the middle of 2011" (New York Times).
  • General McChystal is Removed from United States Central Commander

    President Obama removed General McChrystal from United States Central Command, "after contemptuous quotes from the general and his staff about senior administration officials appeared in an article in Rolling Stone magazine" (New York Post).