Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Baba is born

    1933 was, "the year Baba was born an the year Zahir Shah began his forty-year reign of Afghanistan" (24). This was also the year Baba's brothers struck and killed a Hazara couple while drunk driving. Baba's father adopted the orphan child whos name was Ali. This was interesting because Baba's father tried to atone for his childrens' wrongdoing by adopting Ali.
  • Amir is born

    Baba and Sofia Akrami, both of high socioeconomic status, were the parents of Amir. Amir's mother died during child birth. Amir often "ached for the mother" he "had never met" (6).
  • Hassan is Born

    Sanaubar gave birth "in that small shack... one cold winter day in 1964" (6). Hassan was born in a sevent shack, a future already decided for him. Hassan was risen with Amir both without mothers, Amir's being dead and Sanaubar having left.
  • Hassan Has Plastic Surgery

    After the surgery, "he was smiling. Just as he had, emerging from his mother's womb" (47). Hassan's split lip had been firxed. This gift was unusualy for a master to giv a servent, however, Baba's and Hassan's realtionship was more than that.
  • Hassan is Abused by Assef

    Amir "ran because" he "was a coward" he "was afraid of Assef" (77). In running away Amir had betrayed Hassan. Amir could have potencialy helped and if Amir wasn't so cowardly during the event, he could have told Baba and Baba would have righted Assef.
  • Amir's 13th birthday

    Amir's "stomach was turning at the sight of" his "father bonding with Assef" (98). While talking it was revieled that Baba and Assef had many atributes in common. Comparing Baba, who Amir respects, to Assef made Amir Sick.
  • Soviets Invade Afghanastan

    "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 27, 1979"
  • Period: to

    Afghanastan War

  • Baba and Amir flee Afghanastan

    While in the van, "the young woman's husband stood and... kissed Baba's hand. Baba had once again stood up for his morals. Baba risked his life tho stop a russian soldier who intended to violate a innocent woman.
  • Amir and Baba live in America

    Baba loved the freedom and "idea of America" (125). Baba lost all of his socio economic class while moving to America. Baba was able to live the American dream and make a new, free, life through hardwork.
  • Amir and Soraya get Married

    Amir wedding was ruhed due to Baba's illness. During his wedding, Amir wondered "if Hassan too had married" (171). Even on the happiess day of his life, Amir still remembered Hassan and felt guilty.
  • Baba dies

    Soraya lived with Amir and Baba in order to help take care of Baba. One night, "Baba never woke up" (173). Baba had been suffering with cancer and his death was already known, however, Baba was still happy because he was able to witness his son get married.
  • Soviet Air Force rendered useless

    "Soviet Air Force was also rendered largely useless"
  • Hassan moves in with Rahim Kahn

    Rahim Kahan "was lonely...Everyone had fled" (203). Because he was loney, Rahim Kahn traveled to Hazarajat to retrieve Hassan. Rahim Kahn and Hassan's family lived together in Baba'ss old house.
  • Amir finishes his first novel

    Amir, "[i]n the summer of 1988, about six months bafore the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan," Amir finished his "first novel" (182). In America Amir made a living for himself and his wife as an author. He wrote of Kabul and used aspects of his life.
  • Soviet troops leave Afghanistan

    "The last Soviet troops left Afghanistan"
  • Mullah Omar had rearly 12,000 followers

    "Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers and was rolling up the warlords to the north and east."
  • Taliban provided a haven for Bin Laden

    "TheTaliban provided a haven for Bin Laden, who arrived by chartered jet at Jalabad Airport in May 1996."
  • Hassan is killed

    A rumor spread that a Hazara family was living alone in an expensive house. Members of the taliban came to investigate and accused Hassan of being a liar. The talibs "took him to the street... ordered him to kneel... and shot him in the back of the head" (219).
  • Rahim Kahn calls Amir

    Rahim Kahn tells Amir, "there is a way to be good again" (2). This makes Amir remeber his guilt of the past. Due to this call Amir travels back to the middleeast to seek atnement.
  • Attack on World Trade Center

    After the attack on World trade Center in New York on Sept. 11, 2001, President George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden.
  • Karzai became interim president

    Hamid Karzai, a supporter and relative of Mohammad Zahir Sha, the exiled former king of Afghanistan, was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban."
  • Amir runs a kite with Sohrab

    After flying the kite, "One corner of [Sohrab's] mouth had curled up just so. A smile" (370). After months of no emothion Sohrab had smiled. Sohrab was slowly healing after all the trauma he expirienced.
  • Karzai elected to five year term

    "Mr. Karzai was elected to a five year term as president in 2004."
  • General Petraeus takes charge of United States Central Command

    "General Petraeus the Iraq commander who received much of the credit for the success of the surge there, had taken charge of United States Central Command in October 2008."
  • Obama's plan to deploy troops.

    "In a speech delivered Dec. 1, 2009, at West Point, Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops."