Kite Runner & the history of Afganistan

  • Hassan stopped smiling

    Amir says, " that was the winter Hassan stopped smiling" (Khaled Hosseini 47). This marks the point when everything cahnges for Hassan and Amir's life together. Just this sentence shows that they can no longer live the happy, peaceful life that Hassan yearned.
  • Hassan Ran a kite for the last time

    Amir was the reason that in 1975 he, "saw hassan run a kite for the last time" (55). Hassan not runnning kites anymore means that he will stop being the same young, innocent boy he was. Proving that something traumatic happened that made him feel like kiteflying is unsafe.
  • Amir turned 13, and almost war time

    1976 was the, "Afghanistan's next to last summer of peace and anonymity" (93). This points out that Afghanistan can no longer be the safe sacred place Amir grew up in. Relating to Amir's birthday because this is also the year that Amir loses all of his values by getting Hassan and his father fired.
  • Beginning of the war for Afghanistan

    When they heard the gun shots they didn't have, "any notion that a way of life had ended" (KhaledHosseini 36). Demonstrating their innocents in the trauma that was about to happen. They had no clue that their life as they knew it was going to have to change, leading them not to take any action to the gun shots. If they did take action, it could have made their travels out of Afghanistan musch easier.
  • The Russians invade

    In late 1979, "Russian tanks would roll into the very same streets," that Hassan and Amir ran through while growing up (Khaled Hosseini 36). This proved how easily everything could change in such a short period of time. The idea that a street full of children one year can become a street full of tanks the next is a terrifying image to think of.
  • First Soviet Union Attack in Kabul

    Appearently in the late 1970's, "Moscow insisted that the troops came in responce to a plea for help"(The New York Times 2).
  • Baba and Amir left their home

    Amir and Baba were, "cramped with these strangers in the tarpaulin-covered cap of an old russian truck," as they escaped their home for safety (110). The shows how many people didn't feel security in their own homes, nor did they feel sefety trying to leave in public. They all needed to go somewhere where they thought they could survive, and it is sad that so many people felt that way.
  • Amir and Baba have moved to Fremont california

    Amir heard the, "screaming and glass breaking" of his father trying to get used to California after living his whole life in Afghanistan (127). This confirms the struggle many people suffer through to realize that they are not in their home country anyomre, and can't act the sameway they did there. Which is significant because it is the beginning of Baba sacrificing his life style to be in America for Amir's safety.
  • Amir graduated

    Although Amir was, "by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day, " (131) he was pleased to have a highschool degree. This demonstrated how much Amir wanted to pursue his dream of going to college and becoming a writer. Because most 20 year old men would be embarrassed to have to be standing with a bunch of teenagers to graduate highschool, but he knew what he needed to get wht he wanted, and he did what it took to get there.
  • Amir turned 21, Baba bought a new car

    The same summer Amir turned 21 Baba had, "heads turned the afternoon the bus sputtered up the street" (137). Baba buying a new car was his way of starting a new better life as an american, and as a father. Proving his new dedication to being the man he needed to be.
  • Rough times for Afganistan

    "Roghly 15,000 lives and undisclosed billions of rubles," was what was happening in Afganistan before 196. (The New York times 2)
  • Amir Finished his first novel

    Amir wrote his story about a, "father-son story in Kabul" (182). This was Amir's way of telling the world about how is father and him, might have gone through struggles, but they ended ona good note. It was his way of accepting their relationship and remembering the good times they had together.
  • Soviet Unions left

    Eventually, in 1989, "the last Soviet troops what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal" (The New York Times 2).
  • Amirs novel was published

    After Amir's first published book he became, "a minor celebrity in the Aphgan community" (183). Amir's writing brings back his past and illuminates his good memorys of his family and friends. However, he also needs to be abvle to except and recieve atonement for his memories and relationships that were not admired.
  • Hassan Mother comes back (sanabaur)

    No one had seen Sananbaur sunce she, "eloped with a band of singers and dancers in 1964" (210). When she left Hassan and his father, she was a discarce, but the fact that she had the guts to back and see how her only son was doing, showed courage and bravery. Also the connection she was able to gain back with her son and his family illustrated her new found dignity for them.
  • Farzana becomes pregnant again

    A bit after their fist son died, "Farzana became pregnant again" (209). This is the point when Sohrab became part of the word, which proved that Hassan was able to move on with his life witha family and a new child. Demonstrating the power he had to be able to pull his life together after everything he had to suffer through as a child.
  • Divided country

    Afetr the Soviet Union left, "power was anarchically divided among competing warlords" (The New York Times).
  • Kabul belonged to Massaud, Rabbani, and the Majahedin

    Although the Shorawi were out of Kabul, the, "infighting between the factions was fierce and no one if they would live to see the end of the day" (212). This is significant because people thought it was over before it even got worse. And once it was worse, people gave up all hope they had in surviving in an area such as Kabul. Leading people to flee the countries where the fighting took place as fast as they possable could.
  • Taliban had taken control of Afganistan

    The Taliban had imposed, "strict enforcments of fundamentalist Islamic law" (The New York Times 3).
  • Bin Laden arrives

    Not only did the Talibin bring bad times to Afganistan, but they also, "provided a haven for Mr. Bin Laden" (The New York Times 3).
  • Amir was in a movie store and learned a life lesson

    Amir was in a video store, and spoiled the end of a movie to him, and he realized that in America you will be frowned upon for committing, "the sin of spoiling the end" (357). This was the point when Amir really realized the difference between the two countries; in Afghanistan, they only wanted to know the end, but in America, they wanted to go through the emotional process to be able to witness the end. This showed Amir that he could no longer just wait to the end of his story with a sin on bac
  • Amir comes home with Sohrab

    When Soraya first met Sohrab, "she took his hand and smiled at him" (359). This shows how pleased Soraya was to meet Sohrab. She was speechless; proving he happiness to finally have a child of her own, that she could love and care for.
  • Al Qaeda

    The United Sates have been part of Afganistan,"since 2001, when it led an invasion after the Sept. 11 attacks by Al Qaeda" (The New york times 1).
  • General Patraeus took chaege of US cental command

    General Patraeus has the, "responcibility for military opperations in Iraq, Afganistan, and across the region" (The New York Times 4).
  • Obama had speech about Afganistan troops

    Obama planned to deploy, " 30,000 additional troops" (The New York Times 4).