Cropped kite

Kite runner

  • Amir's birth

    Amir's birth
    I choose Amir's birth becaue he is the main character. Without him there is no story.
  • Hassan's birth

    Hassan's birth
    This is important becaue without Hassan the stoey would be boring, An event taht happens to him is what casues Amirs inerconflict
  • Hosseini was born

    Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Amir wins kite contest

    Amir wins kite contest
    I choose this because Amir winning is waht causes Baba to accept him.
  • Hassan's Rape

    Hassan's Rape
    I choose this becasue it is the event taht casued them to drif apart and started Amirs conflict.
  • Amir's 13 birthday party

    Amir's 13 birthday party
    I choose this becaue it shows many things. This shows Babas popularity and welth. It also is when he gets the leather note book. But most importantly becasue this is when he saw Hassan giving drinks to the other boys.
  • Hassan and Ali leave

    Hassan and Ali leave
    I choose this becasue it is when Hassan leaves. Amir has found a "solution" to his problem. This also shows how much Baba loved Ali and Hassan.
  • Hosseini moved to San Jose

  • Baba and Amirl leave

    Baba and Amirl leave
    This is important becasue it shows how the left and why they went to America.
  • Baba and Amir come to San Francisco

    Baba and Amir come to San Francisco
    I choose this becaue this is were they live. This is where the next chunk of the story.
  • Hosseini got med degree

  • Hosseini went Santa Clara University

  • Amir and Sorays marry

    Amir and Sorays marry
    This is important becasue it is a big day in his life.
  • Baba dies

    Baba dies
    This is important becaue Amir will now he to learn to live without Baba. It is also important becaue Baba died without ever knowing the truth.
  • Amirs first Novel

    Amirs first Novel
    This is importent becase since the beggining of rhe book Amir wanted to be a writer.
  • Amir gets phone call

    Amir gets phone call
    This is important becaue it startes Amirs healing prosses. He can now go back and tink about what happened that day.
  • Kite runner was published