
History of Key Technological Inventions Impacting The Events Industry - please click events for description

  • Apple Released the first Ipod

    Apple Released the first Ipod
    the Ipod can now be plugged in at many events to play music
  • Hyatt rolled out E-mmediate Meetings

    Hyatt rolled out E-mmediate Meetings
    It was the first an online meeting-booking tool designed for small meetings. This idea has been developed and improved upon ever since.
  • Wifi

    Wifi internet access is deployed in more than 6,000 hotels, this made hotels more attractive for meetings. We live in a society now where wifi is always used at some point of planning and running of an event.
  • LinkedIn was founded

    LinkedIn was founded
    an online networking site, building connections between business professionals. It is now very useful for keeping contacts with people you have worked with at events.
  • Itunes Store Opened

    Cutting out the grey area of music ownership, music can be played legally at events without much risk.
  • Facbook

    Facebook was founded, this is now a massive marketing tool used within the industry.
  • Twitter

    This social networking site also now used as a huge marketing tool withing the events industry.
  • Iphone

    Apple introduced the first smartphone. Smartphones are used profusely at events in particular their apps.
  • HD Skpye

    HD Skpye
    Skype provided high-definition video conferencing. This gave planners the ability to stream good quality video signal for free at events.
  • Mobile apps

    Mobile apps
    Mobile apps specifically for events and tradeshows saw explosive growth with hundreds of new companies providing services emerging.