5th grade 1915

Key Historical Events That Shaped Modern Day K-12 Education

  • N.E.A Committee of Ten Established School Curriculum in 1892

    N.E.A Committee of Ten Established School Curriculum in 1892
    The National Education Association Committee of Ten extended elementary education to eight years and secondary education to four years. For the first time, students could choose elective subjects to study. Life without electives or less time in elementary and secondary school would be colorless. (Progressive Period Video, Canvas) Image:http://ftp.arizonaea.org/assets/img/pubToday/0602/0602history2-02.jpg
  • American Federation of Teachers

    American Federation of Teachers
    Teaching became recognized as a true profession in 1916. This was a vital event to the progress of education. Teachers need to be well educated and compensated for their hard work. The future teachers of this nation would not be here in college if this historic event did not take place. (Progressive Period Video, Canvas) Image: https://todayinlaborhistory.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/5th-grade-1915.jpg?w=538
  • Stanford-Binet I.Q Test

    Stanford-Binet I.Q Test
    Lewis Terman revised the I.Q (intelligence) test. This test is designed to measure one's intellect. It is still used today as a tool for assessing one's intellectual capabilities. This practice needs to stop because these tests have the potential to hinder children's self esteem. (Progressive Period Video, Canvas) Image:https://image.winudf.com/v2/image1/Y29tLnBhdGkuYmVzdC5pcXRlc3Rfc2NyZWVuXzFfMTU2Njc0NjIxM18wNzM/screen-1.jpg?fakeurl=1&type=.jpg
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The supreme court deemed 'separate but equal' as inherently unequal and stated that it has no place. Separate but equal was a violation of the 14th amendment. Racial injustice is wrong. As a society there is still a long way to go, but the supreme court made the right decision on this case. This was a much needed step in the right direction. (Modern Education Video, Canvas) Image: https://thezebra.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Brown-v-Board_InPixio.jpg
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This act made education for children with special needs free and accessible. Children with special needs could now have access to the same education as their peers in a general education setting. Teachers and students can learn and grow by being with students with disabilities on a daily basis. Everyone benefits from an inclusive classroom. (Modern Education Video, Canvas) Image: https://www.networkforphl.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/iStock-1128755852-1392x0-c-default-q40.jpg