
Key Events of the American Revolution

  • Betsy Ross- Tara, Alex

    Betsy Ross- Tara, Alex
    Betsy Ross was the woman who made the American flag. The circle of thirteen stars stands for the thirteen colonies. Betsy was born on January 1, 1752 and died on January 30 1863
  • French & Indian War (The Seven Years' of War) Sam and Courtney

    French & Indian War (The Seven Years' of War) Sam and Courtney
    The French and Indian War was when the French and British fought over the Ohio River Valley that started in 1954. The French and British were fighting each chutter because they wanted the valley for different perposes.To stop the war, they made the Treaty of Paris and this treaty stopped the war. George III became king during the French and Indian War.
  • Deborah Sampson{Emma,Colin, and Heidi}

    Deborah Sampson{Emma,Colin, and Heidi}
    When her servitude ended in 1779, Sampson became a schoolteacher in Middleborough, an inland Massachusetts town. Exactly how long she taught is not clear, but Sampson felt she had a duty to her country and decided to join in the fight for Independence. She made herself some men’s clothing, cut off her hair, and wrapped her chest in order to disguise herself as a man. Some writers say that Sampson first signed up to join the militia as “Timothy Thayer” of Carver, which is near Middleboroug
  • Treaty of Paris Sam and Courtney

    Treaty of Paris Sam and Courtney
    The Treaty of paris was the document that afishily ended the war.The Treaty of Paris happen because the British claimed Quebec and other places and the French wanted peace.
  • Suger Act

    Suger Act
    The Sugar Act, also known as the American Revenue Act or the American Duties Act, was a revenue-raising act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain on April 5, 1764.[1] The preamble to the act stated: "it is expedient that new provisions and regulations should be established for improving the revenue of this Kingdom
  • Green Mountain Boys- Matt

    Green Mountain Boys- Matt
    The Green Mountain Boys was a militia that helped to defeat Britan in the revolutionary war. they consisted of men from Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. their most famous win was where led by Ethan Allen, they captured the British stronghold of fort ticonderoga.
  • Stamp act-George and Brandon

    Stamp act-George and Brandon
    The stamp was when all the colonist had to pay tax for paper items. The taxes were for things such as stamped notes newspaper and many other things. It ended march 18, 1766.
  • The Quartering Act-Ryker and Elise

    The Quartering Act-Ryker and Elise
    The Quartering act was about the colonist had to house the British soldiers. A lot of people did not enjoy doing this. But most of them were forced to do this to protect the British soldiers.
  • Townshend Act- Olivia and Michael

    Townshend Act- Olivia and Michael
    The Townshend Act started on June 29, 1767. The Act got it`s name from Charles Townshend. He was the one who made the act. It was baced on his last name. But he died before their harmful effects became obvious. The result of the Townshend Act was boycotting the British products which led to the Boston Tea Party event.
  • Boston Massacre- Tara, Alex

    Boston Massacre- Tara, Alex
    The Boston Massacre was an incident caused by the Patriots throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks at the Solders. Five were killed and six were injured. The citizens of America thought they were starting the war.
  • Boston Tea Party-Caden and Gabe

    Boston Tea Party-Caden and Gabe
    The Boston Tea Party was when the Sons of Liberty dressed up like Mohawk Indians and stowed away on a British ship and dumped all of the tea into the Boston Harbor.King George however was furious with the colonists and blockaded the Boston Harbor and prevented them from getting supplies.
  • Intolerable Acts March 31, 1774 Mackenzie and Logan

    Intolerable Acts March 31, 1774 Mackenzie and Logan
    The Intolerable Act was a series of acts passed by the British Parliment on March 31, 1774 to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party. The Intolerable Act was a big lead up to the Revolution War. The first act the Intolerable Act created was the Stamp Act.
  • The first Conntinental Congress

    The first Conntinental Congress
    The First Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from twelve colonies that met at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution
  • Paul Revere and William Dawes-Joslyn and Johnny

    Paul Revere and William Dawes-Joslyn and Johnny
    Paul Revere was the man that said "The British are coming!!!!" He rode on his horse at midnight to warn the Minutemen that they were being atacked. William Dawes was the man that hung up the lanterns to signal that the British were coming by sea.
  • "The shot heard 'round the world" - Joslyn Johnny

     "The shot heard 'round the world" - Joslyn Johnny
    The shot heard 'round the world is an exprestion for the first shot of the American Revolution. No one knows who shot the gun. All we know is that a British soldier did it.
  • Fort Ticonderoga-Brandon and George

    Fort Ticonderoga-Brandon and George
    The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga occurred when a small force of Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan Allen and Colonel Benedict Arnold overcame a small British garrison at the fort and looted the personal belongings of the garrison. Cannons and other armaments from the fort were transported to Boston and used to fortify Dorchester Heights and break the standoff at the Siege of Boston.
  • 2nd Continental Congress-Caden and Gabe

    2nd Continental Congress-Caden and Gabe
    The 2nd Continental Congress helped America become a country.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill Avee/ Adam

    Battle of Bunker Hill Avee/ Adam
    The battle of Bunker Hill was on the Charlestown Peninsula on te north side of the Boston Harbor.(AKA breeds hill)
    The size of the armies is 2,400 British soldiers and 1,500 Americans fighting in the war of Bunker Hill.
  • Valley Forge-Sadie

    Valley Forge-Sadie
    Valley Forge was where Washington and his troops stayed at the valley. Due to thin clothing and low supplies many of the soldiers froze or got frostbite. There was a battle there, the british against the patriots.
  • Saratoga-Michael Olivia

    Saratoga-Michael Olivia
    The battle of Saratoga was one of the battles that when the France decided to help the patriots in the war against the British. The battle happened when general Burgonys led British troops to join other british troops in Albany but the patriots ambushed them and the British tried to fight them but the patriots kept killing the British troops and finally the British retreated and the patriots won the battle of Saratoga.
  • Articles of Confederation-Jackson

    Articles of Confederation-Jackson
    The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States of America. It only stayed around for a while before The United States Constitutution took over.
  • Battle of Yorktown by Ryker and Elise

    Battle of Yorktown by Ryker and Elise
    The battle of Yorktown was General George Washington, commanding a force of 17,000 French and continental troops. That began the battle of Yorktown against British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and a contingent of 9,000 British troops. This was one of the most important battles of The Revolutionary War.
  • Phyliss Weatly{Emma,Colin,and Heidi]

    Phyliss Weatly{Emma,Colin,and Heidi]
    Phyliss Weatly was kidnapped at the age of 8 at the Boston on a slave ship opon her arrivle and John Wheatley purchased the young girl as a servant for his wife, Susanna.
  • George washington Logan,Mackenzie

    George washington Logan,Mackenzie
    Born February 22 1732 died December 14 1799.He was the first president of the united states. He was born in Virginia.thier father and brother died when he was young. He was the leader of the patroits and he was a son of liberty.