
Key Changes in the Process for Identification

  • Education for All Children Act

    Education for All Children Act
    Public law 94-142, later termed IDEA (Idividuals with Disabilities Education Act) included students who were emotionally disturbed. This allowed students with ED (emotionally disturbed) or SED (seriously emotionally disturbed) to receive special services from the public school systems.
  • IDEA 97

    IDEA 97
    IDEA 97 defined the criteria a student must meet in order to qualify for special services from the school system. Students are found eligible as "Emotionally Disturbed" or ED.
  • Clarification

    Due to the vague definition of ED in IDEA, some groups and school districts take it upon themselves to clarify eligibility. This causes some concern. Especially where the term socially maladjusted is used. Can adocacy groups offer ideas on how to clean up eligibility guidelines, or might schools continue to use the term to refuse services.
  • PBS

    The use of School Wide Positive Behavioral Supports have offer schools an alternative and more appropriate way to address behavior concerns in the school environment. By teaching appropriate behaviors and reinforcing thos behaviors in the school environment, behavior referral decrease and the number of APPROPRIATE referrals for special education evaluations increase.