Kennedy-Johnson Era

  • Sworn in the U.S. Navy

    Sworn in at age 24.
  • Became the lieutenant

    Given command of PT-109 as a lieutenant.
  • Kennedy's brother dies

    Kennedy's older brother, Joe Kennedy Jr., is killed when his Air Force plane explodes
  • Honorable Discharge

    Kennedy was honorably discharged from the Navy with a rank as lieutenant.
  • Elected Representative

    Elected as a U.S. representative for the 11th Congressional District in Boston. He is re-elected in 1948 and 1950.
  • Elected senator of Massachusetts

    Elected as senator from Massachusetts and re-elected in 1958
  • Marries Jacqueline

    Marries Jacqueline Lee Bouvier.
  • Losses bid for nomination

    Loses his bid for the Democratic nomination for vice president
  • Caroline Kennedy is born

    Caroline Bouvier Kennedy is born at Cornell Medical Center, New York
  • Announces Candidacy

    Announces his candidacy for president of the United States
  • Area Redevelopment Act of 1961

    gave financial and technical aid to depressed regions by luring new industries to areas of regional unemployment and expanding industries already there
  • Takes oath to become 35th president

    At age 43, takes the oath of office to become the 35th president of the United States.
  • Appointed Ad Hoc Committee on Public Welfare

    Kennedy appointed a 25 member Ad Hoc committee on Public Welfare with members from both public welfare and private social work. They were charged to recommend methods leading to adequate financial assistance, efficent administration, and organization of public assistance offices, research into the cause of dependancy and family breakdown, and provision of rehabillitation services by trained personel.
  • Signs Bill to create Peace Corps

  • First Presidential Commission on the status of women

    Kennedy appointed the first Presidential Commission on the status of women, chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt. The commission deplored the trend to blame women for juvenile deliquency and confirmed in 1966 that the EEOC should take action against sex discrimination.
  • Juvenile Deliquency and Youth Offenses Control Act

    It researched the social causes of deliquency and developed innovative empowerment programs such as Mobilization for Youth (MFY), on the lower East side of New York City
  • 1962 Poverty Plans

    advances in public assistance, extension of unemployment insurance and liberalized OASI benefits, an increased minimus wage and an increase in AFDC benefits, a new housing act to create more jobs in construction, training bills, and financial and technical aid for depressed regions.
  • Mental Health Act

    Kennedy appointed a mental health panel that presented the mental health act to congress in 1963. Though it was not passed until after his death because of resistance from the American Medical Association, the act provided construction of mental retardation facilities and community mental health centers, comprehensive services, and education and consultation to upgrade the nations services.
  • Manpower Development Training Act

    designed to deal with institutional causesof unemployment by training people for better jobs.
  • Cut Taxes

    To stimulate consumer buying and corporate investment, he cut personal and corporate income takes.
  • Sends The Alabama National Guard to UA

    Kennedy sends the Alabama National Guard to the Universoty of Alabama to protect two African American students who won a court order to attend the University.
  • Began to complie Civil Rights bill

    Kennedy began to compile a civil rights bill that guaranteed equal accomodations and gave the attourney general power to file suits to enforce the 14th and 15th ammendments.
  • JFK is shot and murdered in Dallas, Texas

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy is shot at 12:30 p.m. while riding in an open-top limousine in a motorcade through downtown Dallas. He is pronounced dead at 1 p.m. at Parkland Memorial Hospital.
  • Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

    Johnson incorporated both the funding and the ideals of the MDTA into the Title I and IV programs of the Economic Opportunity Act
  • Older Americans Act of 1965

    the 1961 White House conference on aging funded community training services and planning, established state agencies on aging, support research and demonstration projects to studt the status of the elderly, and provide grants for community services. The bill wasn't passed until 1965, after Kennedy's death.