J0400050 1

Kayleigh's Educational History

  • Jan 1, 1440

    The Printing Press

    Allowed for the first route of information spreading. It was a way to share new ideas and practices. It lead to a more increased population overall and had a significant impact on our definition of education.
  • Independent Schools In America

    Independent Schools In America
    The Collegiate School in New York City was established as the first independent school in America in 1628. This is significant to me and my teaching experience soon to come at another independent school, Hawken. It is also significant to my research about the ideal school, becasue it shows the want/need for an alternative type of school all the way back in the 1600's. I'll look at the need/want for this and other types of alternative schools in my paper.
  • Charity Schools

    Charity Schools
    This type of school which existed throughout the colonial period (1490-1763) was created to help poor families and preserve social order. It is the first example of a "public" school that we have in America and it serves as a good starting point for my paper. I can address questions like: What are the goals of today's schools? And, what should they be? Is there a school that has these questions answered in a correct way that can be applied to ALL students?
  • Webster Dictionary

    This was the date of the creation of the first version of the dictionary. One of the reasons that I find this intersting and important is that it was created to unify a multicultural society. Would we have tools like this created for every subject in my "ideal-compromise-school"?
  • First Public University

    The first public university, the University of Georgia gave Americans many more opportunities to educate themselves. Today, these univeersities still accept a greater variety of students and are beleived by some to provide a lesser education. Although there are many more universities today, the stigma remains as with public grae schools. Why?
  • Common Schools

    From the period of 1830- 1850 Common schools were still being developed and implemented across the country. This was a type of school that was meant to be the "ideal." At the beginning it was free and open to the public and was capable of providing a quality education for students. This could also be a good starting point for my paper. All deviations of school types come from this basic model that I see as a fairly good option.
  • Characteristics of the Ideal Teacher

    Characteristics of the Ideal Teacher
    This 4th annual report really got people thinking about what the ideal teacher should do. Hoace Mann said that they needed to have content knowledge of the subjects they teach as well as the apptitude for teaching. I think that today we would say it involves much more than this. I will address this in my paper because after all, in order to have an ideal school, you'll need to have ideal teachers.
  • Grades

    The quincy schools first created graded classrooms in 1848. And the slippery slope began.....
  • Creation of Catholic Schools

    Creation of Catholic Schools
    Learning about this event lead me to begin to question how other types of schools get started and when and why. I plan to write my paper about the history of the coruncopia of schools that we have today and if there is such a thing as one good school for everyone. Also, I went to a catholic school for grades K-8 and it had a major effect on my ideas about what types of issues should and should not be addressed in the classroom.
  • School Segregation Law

    A Massachutes law was created that forbade school segregation by race or religion. This could have been an event that inspired some people to open their own type of schools.
  • Fisrt School Voucher

    The first school vouchers that allowed children to recive financhial support from the city to attend a private school were in Vermont in 1869. I'm sure that this system could not be continued if all the schools were to compromise and unify yet again. But I'n not necessaily in support of that either
  • Montessori Schools

    The first Montessori school opened in 1911 in New York. Another type of school to consider in my research paper although I do not have any personal relationship with this type.
  • Smith-Hughes Act of 1917

    Smith-Hughes Act of 1917
    Vocational schools gained federal support and legitimacy with this act. These types of schools still play a very important role in society, producing many skilled workers. They are often criticized for producing too narrow an education, however they are "ideal" for some students. So my question for my paper will be, "are vocational schools a type of ideal schools?" Also, "do they produce ideal citizens?"
  • SAT

    The Scholastic Apptitude Tests were first invented in 1920 to eleiminate bias between different economic backgrounds. While I agree that it may have eliminated bias, I think that it also highlighted the differences between economic backgrounds.
  • G.I. Bill

    The passing of the G.I. Bill led to a much greater percentage of Americans having access to higher education. It made high education a more common standard amonst middle class Americans.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    This landmark Supreme Court case proved that "seperate is inherently unqual." Something that rang true about the racial divided school back then as well as the economically and socially divided schools of today.
  • The Nation At Risk Report

    The Nation At Risk Report
    This report created the perception that America's schools are failing their students. The beleif that education is the root of all of our problems is still held by many today. I plan on addressing the ways in which many schools have attemped to tend to these reported short-comings and if new types of schools or nerw ways of managing our standard pubic schools are or are not still "failing" our students.
  • Computers Integrated into Classrooms

    Computers Integrated into Classrooms
    In the 1990's computers became integraded into many schools and were beginning to become a significant teaching tool, accessible to many. This development had a significant effect on my personal education by allowing me to learn in many new ways. Today, high-tech classrooms are assumed to produce more sucessful students, and it's creating another divide between economic classes. I plan to address in my paper, what amount of technology ought to be present in the classroom.
  • Charter Schools

    Minnesota was the first state to pass the charter school law. Today the count is up to 41 different states that allow this option.
  • "Choice Idea"

    By 1992 there were eight states that allowed choice, an option for parents to choose which public schools their students attend. It was eventually federalized by NCLB.
  • Charter Schools

    By 1994, eight states allowed charter schools to operate within their boarders. At this time, 14 other states were also considering.
  • Creation of No Child Left Behind

    Creation of No Child Left Behind
    This event was significant to my history as a student and remains important in my career as a teacher. This act increased the amount of testing the classroom to make sure that American students can keep up with the educational standards of the rest of the world. It has many positive and negative aspects that I plan to touch on in my paper about the ideal school. Should NCLB still be a major part of our school system?
  • Virtual School

    The first virtual or online school was launced in Michigan in 2004. This is just another example of the great variey of schooling options that people have today as virtual schools continue to pop up more and more.
  • Choice of High Schools

    When I graduated from 8th grade my mom said that I was allowed to go to any high school that I wanted to. I decided to become 1 of 2 students in my graduating private school class of 16 to choose a public school. I remember at the time chosing this option becasue I was craving more diversity and knew by this point that catholic schooling was not for me.
  • Kayleigh chooses public schools

    After I graduated from a catholic elementary school, I chose to go to a public high school becasue I even as this young of student didn't beleive that my education would necessarily be better at a different type of school.
  • Ohio University

    After graduating from a public high school, I decided to continue my education at a public university. I like the diversity as well as the quality of education of my public high school and it had a significant impact on where I chose to go to college.
  • Obama Endorses Charter Schools

    Obama gave his public endorsement to charter schools, promoting more options, not less.
  • Race to the Top

    This iniative started by the Obama administration provided more funds to schools that created innovative ways that allowed students to learn more successfully. It created even more competition amongst the public schools that were already quite divided.
  • Switch to Education

    As soon as I began to seriously consider a teaching career I became much more critical of my teachers and their practices. I also became more aware of the interactions of the parents and children that I knew, hoping to learn subtle ways to be a successful teacher.
  • School-Based Site Choice

    School-Based Site Choice
    I had a very difficult time choosing between South Euclid Lyndhurst and Hawken school for my site placement. While S.E.L. seemed more practical and applicable to what I saw the majority of schools to be, I was intrigued by the independent natre of Hawken. I think that schools like Hawken are becoming more and more popular. This choice began my thinking about the general pros and cons of every different type of school and the longevity of some of the "fad" schooling options.