kailey gilbert

  • parliment passes the tea act

    retaining a three pence per pound tax on tea sold in the American colonies
  • bostons northend causes demands

    btp Boston’s North End Caucus demands, unsuccessfully, that the tea consignees resign at noon under the Liberty Tree.
  • over 100 people meet for a town meeting

    Over 1,000 gather in a town meeting at Faneuil Hall. Committees are formed to call on tea consignees and demand their resignation
  • the dartmouth

    The Dartmouth, the first of the tea ships, arrives in Boston Harbor. Twenty days from this date the cargo must be unloaded and the tax paid or the ship and cargo can be seized by customs officials.
  • body of people

    The “Body of the People” meet at the Old South Meeting House. This meeting is not an official town meeting, but instead includes participants from outlying towns as well. The large meeting moves from Faneuil Hall to the Old South Meeting House. The meeting resolves the tea must not be unloaded, but instead sent back to England
  • the second meeting is held

    A second meeting of the Body of the People is held at the Old South Meeting House. The meeting demands Francis Rotch, owner of the tea ship Dartmouth, to request clearance to leave from custom officials. Clearance is denied.
  • morning

    deadline for resolving the issue is midnight this night a third meeting of the body of the people gathers at the old south meeting house. the crowd is estimated at 5,000-7,000 people. meeting at old south hears of rotch's failed mission orders him to request pass to remove ship from harbor from governor hutchinsion.
  • Afternoon

    Rotch goes to governor hutchinson in Milton, MA, and is denied the request for a pass. upon reporting this at the old south, Samuel Adams declares, "this meeting can do nothing more to save the country." War whoops are heard at old south doors, and the meeting adjourns.
  • Evening

    Between 6:00 and 9:00 P.M. 342 chests of tea are destroyed and thrown from the tea ships and into the harbor.
  • King George III

    King George the III recives first news of the boston Tea Party. Parliment decides to punish Boston.
  • The Boston Port Bill

    The Boston Port Bill, closing Boston to ocean trafic until the destroyed tea is paid for, is passed by parliment.
  • Town meeting in Boston

    A town meeting is held in Boston. those atending vote to refuse to pay for destroyed tea.
  • Parliment Passes Justie Bill

    Parliment Passes Justice Bill, effectively placing Providence under material law.
  • Orders to British soldiers

    General Gage orders British soldiers to destroy weapons and depot and conquer
  • The Battle

    Battle at lexigton and Concord.