
By pj25398
  • Zacharias Jansen

    Zacharias Janssen invented the compound microscope in 1595. He made spectacle lenses that had greater magnification. He also invented the invention of the telescope.
  • Period: to

    Cell Theory

  • Light Microscope

    Hans Janssen Invented The First Light Micrsocpe With His Son Zacharias Janseen.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Robert Hooke was the one that named those little things in your body cells. He also looked at a cork slice under the newly developed microscope. Died in March,3,1703.
  • Anton Van Leewenhoek

    Anton Van Leewenhoek was the first person to see bacteria and he also made observations of variuos blood cells in fish,birds,frogs and humans.
  • Matthais Schleiden

    Concluded that all plants are made up of cells.
  • Theodor Schwann

    Concluded that all animal tissues are made up of cells.He also wrote the first two parts of the cell theory.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur was a French chemist also that he is known for his discoveries of the "Germ Theory Of Dsease". Louis Pastuer was born in December,27,1822.Louis paster died in September 28, 1895.
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow wrote the third part of the cell theory. Rudolf Virchow also saw that cells come only from existing cells.
  • Invention of the Electron Microscope

    German guy called Ernst Bruche invented it with the help of his assistant, Ernst Ruska. Sadly his partner betrayed him to go to another place and Ernst Ruska took all the credit when it was suppose to be Ernst Bruche who should've gotten the credit.Electron Microscope is used to see little things like germs, atoms and other kind of stuff.