Jordy's Timeline

  • Wall St Crash

    Wall St Crash
    The wall st crash was more significant than when Japan left the leage of nations because it had a affect on the whole world, leaving millions in povery and many deaths. Japan leaving the the leage of nations was a huge shock to the world but didnt reslove in anything too deadly or dangerous.
  • Anschluss between Germany and Austria

    Anschluss between Germany and Austria
    Anschluss between Germany and Austria was a more significant event rather than Japan invading Manchuria. When Japan invaded Manchuria, people were left without an option to fight for their land, this agrovated hitler making him take over Austria and killing all jews innocent or not.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    The raid over pearl harbour was a key aspect of the end of the world war, this left America with no choice but to enter the war and eventually left America to bomb Japan. If this didnt happen theb war would still have been in action well after the end date, thats why this was more significant over the fall of singpore.
  • Nagasaki Atomic Bombing

    Nagasaki Atomic Bombing
    This historic event was more significant than 'the Blitz' due to its role in helping end the world war and killing between 60,000 and 80,000 people, although the blitz ended the lives of around 40,000 people it coulndnt compare to the size and devistation caused by the atomic bombing of nagasaki.
  • Chine becomes a communist

    Chine becomes a communist
    China's decision to become a communist country was more significant in the worlds history than Cubans missile crisis due to the death toll of the starving poor left without shelter or clean rersources. The Cuban missile crisis didnt actually end in any deaths it just scared the whole world that they almost blew each other to shreds.
  • Referendum

    The 1967 referendum had a larger significance to Australia than the Montgomery bus strike. Due to the rights established by the aboriginals, they were given the title of being counted as human, the Montgomery bus strike did have an impact but not as big as this.
  • Population Bomb

    Population Bomb
    The population bomb was more significant than the Campaign to Save Lake Pedder due to its attention it attrached frightening everyone that the world could be rid of food. The the Campaign to Save Lake Pedder was significant but didnt have quite the effet on the world, where the population bomb did.
  • Save Franklin/Gordon river campagn

    Save Franklin/Gordon river campagn
    The Save Franklin/Gordon river campagn was one of the most significant enviromental campagns ever in Australia, this was more significant than the book Silent Spring due to its nation wide interest in the campagn.