Charles Darwin Born: Feb 12 1809 Death: Apr 19 1882

  • Voyage

    Darwin returned from his voyage in 1836 where he was employed as a naturalist. During this voyage Darwin collected plants, fossils, and other objects. Charles Darwin was born in 1809 and set out on this voyage at just 27 years of age. These gatherings are also what led him to wonder about how these plants and animals change over time. National Geographic Society. “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,
  • Charles Darwin

    In 1859 Charles Darwin brought the idea of natural selection in his best selling book On The Orgin Of Species. Natural Selection is the process in which groups of organisms adapt and change. This means that organisms with more adaptive traits tend to survive longer than those who do not. National Geographic Society. “Natural Selection.” National Geographic Society, 7 Sept. 2019,
  • Copernicus Revolution

    Darwin completed the Copernicus revolution by drawing out for biology the notion of nature as a lawful system of matter in motion. The adaptations and diversity of organisms, the origin of novel and highly organized forms, even the origin of humanity itself could now be explained by an orderly process of change governed by natural laws. Evolution Topic: The Darwinian Revolution,
  • Evolution

    Darwin's theory on evolution is widely the held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor. Darwin believed that complex creatures develop from more simplistic creatures naturally over time. This was proven to be incorrect after further research and new developments in technology. “Darwin's Theory of Evolution.” Darwin's Theory Of Evolution,