Johnmill kwic  620x349 abc

John Stewart Mill 1806 - 1873

By jamuc
  • Birth Control Advocate

    Birth Control Advocate
    Mill and a friend were arrested for distributing pamphlets on birth control to women in working class areas.
  • "The Negro Question"

    "The Negro Question"
    Mill sent an anonymous letter in rebuttle to Thomas Carlyle's anonymous letter in which Carlyle argued in favor of slavery. Mill supported the eradication of slavery in the United States.
  • "On Liberty"

    "On Liberty"
    Mill adresses the nature and limits of the power that can be lawfully exercised by society over an individual. It is noted that Mill's arguments in "On Liberty" are based on the principle of utility and not natural rights.
  • Women's rights

    Women's rights
    Mills became the first person in the history of parliament to demand that women have the right to vote.