John Keats

By bigmax
  • Birth

    John Keats was born near London
  • Father Dies

    His father fell off a horse and died from a skull fracture
  • Mother Leaves

    His mother left him and his three living siblings and put them in the care of their grandmother
  • Mother Returns

    His mother returned but she has tuberculosis, and dies a year later
  • Withdraws

    Abbey, the Keats family's new guardian, took all their inheritance money and make John quit school to be a surgeon
  • Starts Medical School

    John starts medical school and begins writing poems for fun
  • Leaves Medicine

    John leaves medicine and decides to become a poet for real
  • Poems Published

    John gets his first book of poems published
  • Endymion

    Keats gets his first major long poem published
  • Tuberculosis

    John finds out he has early signs of tuberculosis
  • Death

    Keats dies in Italy