John Calvin

By elparke
  • Period: Feb 9, 1500 to

    John Calvin

  • Jul 10, 1509

    John Calvin born

    John Calvin born
    Calvin was born in Noyon, France, 60 miles northeast of Paris, to Gerard Cauvin and Jeanne le Franc. Gerard Calvin died a few years later from testicular cancer. Calvin had three brothers.
  • Jul 10, 1523

    Calvin enrolled in college

    Calvin enrolled in college
    At age 14, John Calvin was enrolled the College de Montaigu to prepare for a career in divinity under his father's influence. Gerard Calvin wanted each one of his four sons to become a priest, then changed his mind, as he thought his son would earn more money as a lawyer than a priest.
  • Apr 11, 1532

    Graduates from law school

    Graduates from law school
    Calvin went to a famous law school in Orleans in 1532, where he also became fluent in Greek. Learning Greek was a necessity if you wanted to study the New Testament.
  • Feb 12, 1536

    Publishes first book

    Publishes first book
    In 1536, John Calvin published his first edition of the "Institudes". In English, its full name was Institudes of the Christian Religion. It was a defense of his faith, as well as a resource for someone wanting to learn about the Christian Religion. In this book, he writes of how he experienced a religious conversion. It sold out in 6 months
  • Feb 12, 1537

    Selected as pastor

    Selected as pastor
    After French military forces push him south to Geneva, Switzerland, Calvin became a pastor. Many churches wanted him, and when he preached, crowds would flood the church, wanting to meet him.
  • Feb 12, 1539

    Publishes next book

    Publishes next book
    In 1539, Calvin published the second version of the "Institudes". This book was much larger; the first book was 6 chapters, and this was 17 chapters long, and was far more in-depth than the first version of the book. Under this time, Calvin was under pressure to marry and start a family
  • Apr 8, 1540

    Calvin marries de Bure

    Calvin marries de Bure
    Although the exact date is uncertain because of the lack of knowledge of Calvin's personal life, John Calvin married Idelette de Bure around 1540. She was previously a widow and brought two children from her previous relationship. Calvin married under the condition that his wife learn French.
  • Jun 27, 1547

    Calvin's church investigated

    Calvin's church investigated
    Calvin's church(St. Pierre Cathedral), was inspected after a suspected plot against the church and the state. Jacques Gruet was taken under arrest after his house was searched. After repeated torture, he confessed to threatening a group of important church leaders. He was then beheaded in public in July
  • Feb 12, 1549

    Idelette dies

    Idelette dies
    Exact time unknown, but Idelette de Bure passed away in 1549 after bringing Calvin two children into their marriage. The couple tried many times to have children of their own, but none of their kids survived childbirth. Prior to her death, Idelette fell sick in 1545. Calvin was devasted, "I have been bereaved of the best friend of my life..." was what he wrote in a letter.
  • Jun 5, 1559

    Calivin founds school

    Calivin founds school
    Calvin created a school, the Academie, which is now the successful University of Geneva. The University of Geneva is currently ranked among the top 100 universities in Europe and in the world. Many of Switzerland's schools were based on its structure, which is why Switzerland is one of the World's leaders in education.
  • May 27, 1564

    Calvin dies

    Calvin dies
    Days after preaching his final sermon, John Calvin passed away at age 54. During his final years, many realized how powerful he was and his authority was not questioned. After gaining power in England and Switzerland, he wanted to try and reform his home country, France. In 7 years, he sent more than 100 ministers to France