Jimmy Carter as a president in 1977-1981

  • Birth!

    James Earl Carter, Jr.--was born October 1, 1924, in Plains, Georgia. He was raised up on a peanut farm.His religious was Christian.
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter Timeline

    Jimmy Carter- 39th president- (1977-1981) Jimmy Carter is still alive. They had a statue of Carter at the oval office. Carter grew up on his familys farm.During Carter's term as President, he created two new cabinet-level departments: the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. He established a national energy policy that included conservation, price control, and new technology.
  • Graduation

    James E. Carter graduated from Plains Georgia High School in 1941.
  • Navy years

    Navy years
    Upon graduation in 1946 from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, Carter married Rosalynn Smith.
  • Wedding Day!!!

    Wedding Day!!!
    Carter married Rosalynn Smith in 1946.
  • Navy

    Carter served on surface ships and on diesel-electric submarines in the Atlantic and Pacific fleets. As a junior officer, he completed qualification for command of a diesel-electric submarine.
  • senate years

    senate years
    Jimmy Carter started his political career by serving on various local boards, governing such entities as the schools, hospitals, and libraries, among others. In the 1960s, he was elected to two terms in the Georgia Senate from the fourteenth district of Georgia.
  • After graduation

    After graduation
    After seven years' service as a naval officer, Carter returned to Plains. In 1962 he entered state politics, and eight years later he was elected Governor of Georgia.
  • govenor

    In 1966, Carter considered running for the United States House of Representatives. His Republican opponent, Howard Callaway, dropped out and decided to run for Governor of Georgia.
  • Farming

    Though Carter's father, Earl, died a relatively wealthy man, between his forgiveness of debts and the division of his wealth among heirs, his son Jimmy Carter inherited comparatively little. For a year, due to a limited real estate market, the Carters lived in public housing (Carter is the only U.S. president to have lived in housing subsidized for the poor).

    When Carter entered the Democratic Party presidential primaries in 1976, he was considered to have little chance against nationally better-known politicians. His name recognition was two percent. When he told his family of the decision to run for president, his mother asked, "President of what?
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter Timeline

    Jimmy Carter- 39th president- (1977-1981)