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Jimmy Carter

  • Birth

    Jimmy Carter was born in the town Plains, Georgia on October 1, 1924.
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter

  • The Navy

    The Navy
    Jimmy Carter went on his first mission in the Navy on June 5, 1946. This mission ended August 8, 1946.
  • Marriage

    On July 7, 1946 Jimmy Carter married to his wife Rosalynn in Palins, Georgia.
  • Returning Home

    Returning Home
    When Jimmy Carter's dad died of pancreatic cancer Jimmy came back home and ran the penut farm on October 9, 1953.
  • The President Starts Politics

    The President Starts Politics
    Jimmy Carter started his political career by running for State Senate. After a recount Carter won and was elected into the State Senate.
  • Annoucment of Jimmy Carter running for Govenor

    Annoucment of Jimmy Carter running for Govenor
    Carter annouced he was running for govenor on June 12, 1966
  • Governor Jimmy Carter

    Governor Jimmy Carter
    Jimmy Carter was elected the Governor of Georgia on January 12, 1971. His next step would be the White House.
  • Announcing Candidacy

    Announcing Candidacy
    Jimmy Carter annouced his candidacy on December 12, 1974.
  • Becomes President

    Becomes President
    On January 20, 1977 the nation would meet their new Pesident, the penut farmer from Plains, Georgia, Jimmy Carter.
  • Panama Canal Treaty

    Panama Canal Treaty
    On September 7, 1977 Jimmy Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty on September 7, 1977.
  • SALT ii Signing

    SALT ii Signing
    Jimmy Carter signed the SALT ii with Brezhnev on June 18, 1979 in Vienna.
  • Trouble with Iran

    Trouble with Iran
    On November 4, 1979 Iran held 52 Americans hostage.
  • Ending of Presidency

    Ending of Presidency
    Jimmy Carter leaves office January 20, 1981, after a land-slide victory by Ronald Reagan
  • Carter Becomes a Teacher

    Carter Becomes a Teacher
    In September of 1982 Carter started teaching at Emory University.
  • Habitat For Humanity

    Habitat For Humanity
    Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, in Habitat For Humanity and starts by taking a bus load of people to New York to work on houses.
  • Carter Center Construction

    Carter Center Construction
    On October 2, 1984 the construction on the Carter Center started.
  • Jimmy Carter Library

    Jimmy Carter Library
    The Jimmy Carter Library opened on October 1, 1986.
  • Yasser Arafat

    Yasser Arafat
    Carter met with Yasser Arafat on March 5, 1997.
  • Noble Peace Prize

    Noble Peace Prize
    Jimmy Carter is awarded the Noble Peace Prize on October 11, 2002 for "untiring efforts".