Jillian Tosto Timeline

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    Second Industrial Revolution

    The second wave of the Industrial Revolution brought on many changes to the western world. These changes included advancements in technology with railroads, medicine, and the printing press. This also brought on a boom in the economy and expanded the middle class. This eventually would lead to the rise of western imperialism in Africa and Asia by the need for natural resources to fuel the Industrial Revolution.
  • Russo-Turkish War

    Ottoman Empire loses its territories in the southeastern part of Europe. A lot of this has to do with the Ottoman Empire becoming weaker over the last half of the century. As well with the push to modernize and fit in more with the West.
  • King Wilhelm II Takes Thrown

    Expanded the military and colonies to compete with more powerful countries in the west. Forced Otto von Bismark to resign and encouraged war.
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    Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War helped the Cubans gain independence from Spain. The U.S. winning, however, won the territorial rule of Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico. Cuba then becomes a protectorate of the U.S. This is the early beginnings of U.S. imperialism.
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    Berlin Conference

    Organized by Otto von Bismark, the Berlin conference was put on to officially split up Africa amongst colonizing powers. This completely redrew the continent's borders with complete disregard for ethnic groups. This set up some of the issues that come to the center in the latter part of the twentieth century.
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    Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion disestablishes the Qing empire. The goal of the rebellion was to fight against foreign influence in China. With all this though, it instead weakens the Qing more than ever.
  • Exposition Universelle de 1900

    A World’s Fair was held in Paris and was put on for six months in 1900. It showed off advancements in technology and the exploitations of colonialism of the world. Showed a bias toward the West as being “better” than non-Western societies through their advancements of modernization and industrialization.
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    A movement for environmental activism. The goal was to fight against pollution of the environment and show concerns against urbanization. This phenomenon existed all over the world.
  • Panama Canal

    During the Presidency Theodore Roosevelt, he proposed to begin the construction of the Panama Canal. After helping Panama gain its independence from Colombia, the United States began the construction of the canal. After the canal was finished the U.S. had control over the canal.
  • Xinhai Revolution

    The Qing Empire officially collapses in China. Now a new nationalist party under Sun Yat-Sen is put into power.
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    Armenian Genocide

    A genocide led by the Young Turks, leaving over one million Armenians to die. There was a forced Islamisation of women and children.
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    The First World War

    Lasted for four years, was done through trench warfare. Was the first big battle since the start of the Industrial Revolution showing how deadly the new technology was at the time. It was also the first war to be fought by air.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Assassinated

    While out on a tour the Archduke was assassinated by the terrorist organization the Black Hand. This is considered to be the start of the First World War.
  • February Revolution

    The Bolsheviks were finally successful with their revolution. This led to Russia pulling out of the First World War and the royal family being assassinated.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Finally, the First World War was over with Germany surrendering to the Allies. This led Wilhelm II to abdicate the throne and German officials to officially sign an armistice.
  • 1918 Inlfuenza

    Also known as the Spanish Influenza was a pandemic that took over the whole world. This virus originated from Kanas and spread across the world, it was incredibly deadly and killed millions.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The treaty was to figure out the reparations and redesign borders across Europe as well as the colonies that belonged to the Axis Powers. Germany felt the brunt of this, through the reparations owed, the decrease in the military, as well as the losses of colonies. This would of course then cause the events of the Second World War.
  • Dawes Plan

    Was a way for Germany to pay back its reparations. It allowed for the United States to reorganize German banks and allowed the country to borrow money from the States. This of course backfired with the 1929 Stock Market crash.
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    Chinese Civil War

    Mao leads the fight against feudalism. World War II slows down fighting especially as Japan took over China. In 1948, People's Liberation Army wins. This creates Chinese People's Republic.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The value of stocks plummet, and investors try to invest in less risky investments. The Federal Reserve does not interfere with the market right away. This affects the world due to the U.S. needing to pull out of loans, and trade. Creates a domino effect for the rest of the world to fall into a depression of some form.
  • Hitler becomes President and Chancellor of Germany

    This leads to a shift in German politics. Now with Germany under Hitler, anyone that is not a Nazi is not safe. This of course led to the Holocaust.
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    The Great Purge

    Was a time when Stalin goes to take total control of the Soviet Union. In this, he eliminates any opponents and anyone who plans to start any type of revolution against him. About 1 million people are killed during this time.
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    Spanish Civil War

    This was a plan to overthrow the Spanish government and was supported by the military. It was also supported by the Germans and Italians. Spain though never joins the Second World War but supports Germany and Italy's interests.
  • Nanking Massacre

    Sets the precedent for Japanese expansion throughout Asia. Is extremely violent and brutal warfare against both Chinese militia and civilians. Almost 300,000 people were murdered.
  • Munich Conference

    Hitler and the Nazi party promised to not invade Czechoslovakia. Germany was also promised Studenland in order to not invade. Of course, though, the Nazis do not listen and invaded the country the following year.
  • Germany invades Poland

    This is considered to be the very beginning of World War II. This caused Britain, France, and other allied nations to declare war on Germany. No allies went to defend Poland, however.
  • Attack of Pearl Harbor

    Leading to over 2,000 casualties of United States civilians and military. This was the official beginning of the United States joining World War II. Japan also attacks U.S. territories as well as Hong Kong and the Wake Islands.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Germany is divided up by the Allied Powers. This leads to the creation of West and East Germany. After the Iron Curtain is put up dividing Western and Eastern Europe.
  • August Revolution

    Ho Chi Minh led the Viet Minh independence movement. Originally this was just supposed to overthrow French rule. But, by 1945 with August Revolution they were able to overthrow both French and Japanese powers in Vietnam. Then eventually created the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
  • Indian Constitution

    Is modeled on the US and British constitutions. Guaranteed universal suffrage across India.
  • The Great Leap Forward

    This was a time for China to change. They did this in education, industry, and agriculture. However, backfired in some aspects, for example famine.
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    Korean War

    After World War II, Korea is liberated from Japan. The country is then split into two countries after being liberated by the U.S. and Soviet Union, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea. In 1950 the DPRK launched an attack on Republic of Korea starting the war. The United States supported the Republic of Korea and China supported the DPRK
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    Green Revolution

    Technology helped in expanding agriculture, with irrigation systems and pesticides. While this helped more food to be grown and allowed more access to food it had negative effects. Pesticides hurt communities more than help them and many have had to deal with these health effects up until today.
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    Algerian War of Independence

    The FLN starts guerilla warfare for liberation from France. Charles de Gaulle considers giving Algerian independence but is threatened by French settlers in Algeria. In 1962 Algeria becomes officially independent and the French flee back to France.
  • Khrushchev becomes Premier

    After Stalin's death, Khrushchev becomes Premier. Changes the aggressive policies of the Stalinist era. Soviet pop culture became prominent and censorship is eased.
  • July 26th Movement

    Castro's attempt to overthrow Battista. Does this by using guerilla war tactics and mobilizing against Battista. Had support from Che Guevara.
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    Suez Crisis

    Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal. This leads to the loss of millions of dollars for the French and British. This led the two countries to launch air attacks on Egypt, in retaliation. The US and USSR condemned the attacks.
  • Berlin Wall is constructed

    The Berlin Wall is built officially separating East and West Germany. East Germany is oppressed under Soviet Rule. Symbolic to Soviet Rule in Eastern Europe.
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    The Vietnam War

    North Vietnam was led by Ho Chi Minh and communist. was challenged by autocratic South Vietnam along with Laos and Cambodia. In order to fight against communism, the United States joins the war in 1965. The brutality of the war and constant publicity of the war caused protests in the United States against the war. In 1973 the US finally pulls out of the war, and in 1975 North Vietnam becomes one Vietnam.
  • Oil Crisis

    in 1973, OPEC banned exports of oil to countries that had supported Israel during the Arab-Israeli War. Many Western countries had to turn to other ways of producing energy. Examples are: solar, nuclear, wind, etc.
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    Angolan Civil War

    Portugal had ended its colonial empire leaving Angola with it. The MPLA, consolidated power over Angola and was supported by the US until the USSR and Cuba had gotten involved. The National Union for Total Independence was against the MPLA.
  • Geneva Summit

    A meeting between Gorbachev and Reagan. Gorbachev was changing the Soviet Union under his rule. At the Geneva Summit, he promised Reagan to reduce nukes. A look at a better future for the Soviet Union and American relations.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    Chernobyl was considered the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union. Many suffered due to the radioactive fallout of the disaster. This was not a random incident multiple other smaller incidents occurred at the plant prior.
  • Tiananmen Massacre

    Many Chinese citizens were protesting for reforms. Protests grew and were not limited to labor strikes or hunger strikes. This led to the massacre killing about 7,000 in cold blood.
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    Gulf War

    Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 under Saddam Hussein. Due to the treatment in Kuwait by the Iraqis, the US along with many other countries got involved. After giving Kuwait its independence again the US then has permanent residency in the Gulf.