
Jesse Owens via Josh T.9

  • Jesse Owens was born

    Jesse Owens was born
    The life changing Jesse Owens was born on September 12, 1913. He was born in Oakville Alabama.
  • Period: to

    The start of a new begining

    Jesse Owens was very well known Aferican American track althete. He also made it very far in his life and had many accomplishments.
  • The early life

    The early life
    His early life was being the youngest of 10 kids in his family. It was hard because his mother was the only one who would take care of the kids.
  • Racism during college

    Racism during college
    Because he was black and did not have a scholarship, he had a hard time with college at Ohio State . He also was not able to live on the school grounds or be provided with food for lunch.
  • Attending Ohio State University

    Attending Ohio State University
    Jesse had a variety of schools to go to but he chose to stay home and attend Ohio State. But he did not have a lot of money to afford it, so his mom had to work two jobs to pay for it.
  • Recognized in gym class

    Jesse was recognized in gym class for his running skills on the 60 yard dash at Fairmont J.R. It was one of the track coaches named Coach Riley that noticed him, he soon got him on the track team after that.
  • Biggest influnce

    Throught his childhood was tough because his dad did not care much about influnceing his children. Therefor Marry Emma Owens his mother had to.
  • Adolf Hitler

    HItler is leading a motorcycle through the heart of Berlin. This is for the opening ceremonies of the 1962 Olympics.
  • First final

    First final
    Jesse ended up winning his first final in the olympics. This was because of his great running skills. Many followed behind it.
  • Becoming a big part of the team

    Becoming a big part of the team
    Jesse was soon to be Captain of Ohio State in 1963. This was because Coach lary Shnider noticed his real talent and thought he needed to be put in that position.
  • After the Olympics

    Everyone loved Jesse but he wondered why no one would offer him a job. He knew because he was colored that it would be hard, but he thought since he was doing great in the olympics he would easily get one.
  • Training with Riley

    Training with Riley
    Jesse and Coach Riley trained after dinner every night. They practiced at the school to get him trained for the olympis on August, 3 1965.
  • Teaming up

    Teaming up
    Coaches Edgar Weil, and Charles Riley teamed up at Ohio State. This is because they knew if they came together they could get Jesse to train to his fullest.
  • Second wave of fame

    Second wave of fame
    Jesse had a second wave of fame after his 1963 Olympics. This was associated with the press for how good of a track runner he was.
  • Awarded Metal of freedom

    Awarded Metal of freedom
    In a speech sometime in 1976 Owens was awarded the Metal Of Freedom. This was awarded by President Ford for all he had done.
  • The death of Jesse Owens

    He battled lung cancer the last years of his life. On March, 31 1980 his battle ended and he passed away.