Japanese Immagration

By mquinn
  • 14th Ammendment

    The children of Japanese immagrations are citizens.
  • Naturalation Act

    Made it so asians could not become citizens.
  • Gentlemens Agreement

    Gentlemens Agreement
    Under the Gentleman's Agreement with Japan, the United States agrees not to restrict Japanese immigration in exchange for Japan's promise not to issue passports to Japanese laborers for travel to the continental United States. Japanese laborer are permitted to go to Hawaii, but are barred by executive order from migrating from Hawaii to the mainland. The Gentlemens agreement stopped allowing men to come, although brides and wives were still allowed, which resulted in the Japanese having kids.
  • Explanation Act

    If the japese merry's a japanese american women and she has citizen ship and she merry a japese man she will loose citizenship.
  • California Land Law

    California's Alien Land Law prohibits "aliens ineligible for citizenship" (Chinese and Japanese) from owning property in the state. It provides the model for Similar acts in other states. Japanese can't own land in the U.S.
  • Literacy Requirment

    Congress enacts a literacy requirement for immigrants over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. The law requires immigrants to be able to read 40 words in some language. The law also specifies that immigration is prohibited from Asia, except from Japan and the Philippines.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    Executive Order 9066 authorizes the military to evacuate 112,000 Japanese Americans from the Pacific coast and placed them in ten internment camps. Japanese were evacuated from their to Interment Camps. McClelland,Joe. Granada Center from the Water Tower .6/20/1943 http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/doit/archives/wwcod/granada.htm
  • United States v. Korematsu

  • Redress Act

    Redress Act
    The Redress Act provides $20,000 compensation to survivors of the World War II internment of Japanese and Japanese Americans. The Japanese and Japanese Americans that survive World War II get $20,000. Sakai, Lawson. The Chronicle. August 13, 2010. SFGate. http://www.sfgate.com/movies/article/442-tells-of-Japanese-American-WWII-soldiers-3177955.php#photo-2314125 , Junichi.