• Aug 16, 1156

    Hogen incident [tambien llamado hogen rebellion a hogen disturbance]

    Hogen incident [tambien llamado hogen rebellion a hogen disturbance]
    When go-shirakawa ascended the chrysanthemum throhe'a new phase of this multifaceted power stugle began to un fold
  • Mar 24, 1185

    Taira derrotad en dannoura [dan no ura]

    Taira derrotad en dannoura [dan no ura]
    The Taira were outnumbered but some sources say that had the advantage over the minamoto in understanding the tides of that particular area'as well as naval combat tacties in general
  • Apr 8, 1185


    The shongun during this 134-year period met the same fate as the emperor and was reduced to afigure head until acoup in 1333 when the shongun was restored to power in the name of the emperor.
  • Apr 25, 1212

    honen shonin inicia la secta de la tierra puradel budismo

    honen shonin inicia la secta de la tierra puradel budismo
    la idea principal detras del budismo de la tierra pura era la creencia de terioro y que el nirvana habia llegado a ser cade vezmas difficil de alcanzar por la gente comun
  • capital setra sladoa nara

    capital setra sladoa nara
    The setter capital votume report analyzes andgloba secandry market activity in 2014 and covers the tollowng topics
  • kojiki completado

    kojiki completado
    the kojiki is acollection of myths concernigin the origin of the four home islands and the kami
  • la secta kegon del budisma viene de china

    la secta kegon del budisma viene de china
    la gran mayoria de los Japanese practica de mane rasimultanea el budismo y el Shinto lareligion autoctona del pais
  • Shomu se convierte en emperador

    Shomu se convierte en emperador
    Emperodor de Japanese-the emperor of Japanese is the imperial family and is the ceremonial head of state of Japanese system of constitutional Monarehy
  • los codigos de yoro se convierten en ley

    los codigos de yoro se convierten en ley
    los vinculose que liguban aunay otro grupoy que gurantizaban sin problem as la tensiones de cambios sociale,esos vinculos eran flexibles y complejos
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    capital city[stemwheeler] a steamboat of the Puget sound mosquito fleet in the state of whashing ton us
  • kukati establecia un monasterio en el monte koya

    kukati establecia un monasterio en el monte koya
    se puede accede a la Montana en primer lugar mediante el ferrocarril namba en Osaka hasta el estacion de gokurakubashi en la-base de la montana