Japan (1300-1800)

By PConine
  • Jul 5, 1333

    Restoring Power

    Emperor Go Daigo defeated the Kamakura shogunate and restored imperial power. Also, he moved the capital to Muromachi.
  • Jan 19, 1336

    Muromachi Period

    Muromachi period started with the creation of Ashikaga shogunate control over the Northern Court.
  • Feb 4, 1338

    Battle of Shijonawate

    The Southern Court lost the Battle of Shijōnawate.
  • Aug 5, 1443

    Treaty of Gyehae

    The Treaty of Gyehae was signed and it resulted in Wokou pirates becoming less and less Japanese.
  • Apr 14, 1467

    Onin War

    The Ōnin War starts and marks the beginning of Sengoku period. Now, there is violence and a struggle with power.
  • Nov 22, 1488

    Rebellion Against The Samurai

    The Kaga Rebellion overthrows the samurai rule and established a theocratic state.
  • Sep 30, 1543

    Hello Europe

    The first Europeans arrived in Japan, opening the Nanban trade period.
  • Battle in Korea

    Japanese invasions of Korea ended with the Japanese retreating after the Battle of Noryang. (started in 1592)
  • Natural Disasters

    The Nankai earthquake and tsunami affect Japan. Thousands of people died.
  • Natural Disasters

    The Sanriku earthquake and tsunami attack Japan. Around 5,000 people died.
  • More Attacks From Mother Nature

    The Genroku earthquake and tsunami affect Japan. Around 10,000 people died.
  • Even More Natural Disasters

    The Hōei earthquake and tsunami was followed by the Hōei eruption of Mount Fuji. There were more than 5,000 deaths.
  • Japanese Encyclopedia

    Wakan Sansai Zue, the first Japanese encyclopaedia, was created.
  • New Money System

    The currency system and trade rules were changed.
  • Natural Disaster

    Japan is hit by the Unzen earthquake and a tsunami. Nearly 15,000 people died during this event.