
  • Apple founded

    Apple was founded by Steve Jobs
  • First cell phone

    Named the "brick phone" due to its large size and short battery
  • Work on Iphone begins

    The iphone was begining to come together as apple begain to try to come up with ideas for the Iphone.
  • Iphone Released

    The first Iphone was realeased selling almost a million in the first month.
  • Iphone 3GS was introduced

    Iphone 3GS was introduced
  • Iphone 4 introduced

    Iphone 4 introduced
    With the retna desplay and Face-time.
  • Apple was launched

    Apple was launched by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
  • Iphone 4GS Introudced

    Apple introduced an iphone that blew the minds of millions of Americans
  • Steve Jobs Dies

    Steve Jobs Dies
    Steve Jobs dies leaving many people wondering if Apple will be done for good.
  • Rumors of an Iphone 5

    With the death of steve jobs, rumors are circulating over a possible Iphone 5.