Intro to western civilization

  • 1750 BCE


    He was a king of the first Babylonian dynasty. He is known for his law code which is also known about today, this code issued severe punishments in the eye-an-eye style
  • 770 BCE

    Great Wall of China

    This wall was built to help defend against nomadic invaders from the Eurasian steppes. The great wall of china was actually a big part of China, it has served many purposes for example it is a collection point for duties on goods transported via the Silk Road.
  • 610 BCE

    The Koran

    The Koran is a Muslim holy book, it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad from god, for over the course of 23 years.
  • 69 BCE


    She was very intelligent and she had so much aptitude for leadership. She was last the ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She had a relationship with Mark Antony, he was a Roman politician.
  • 68


    He was a roman emperor, who was rumored to be the one who had started the Great Fire of Rome. That fire have devastated so many for six days. But Nero had accused the city's Christian community leading to increase the persecutions against Christians with in the Empire.
  • Dec 24, 1166

    King John

    King John was known for his terrible leadership. When he was king he was forced to relinquish some of his power. He was forced to do that because he was demanded to sign a document which stated that Magna Carta would lend to a more balanced power structure between the monarchy and nobility.
  • 1337

    Mansa Musa

    He is known as one of the most wealthiest historical figures to have lived. He was a sultan of the Mali Empire. He was also known as one of the world's biggest producer of gold.
  • 1346

    The Black Death

    This was also known as a pandemic, it was known of as one of the worst pandemics in world history. Many people have died from this sickness, around 30-60% of Europe's population had died. Just for the global population to recover from this horrible sickness it took around 200 years.
  • 1418


    He is also known as the emperor of the Kingdom of Cusco, he then had transitioned to being the Inca Empire, commissioned the famous site Machu Picchu as his estate. Now a days it is known as the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • The Death of Socrates, Metropolitan Museum of Art

    They were a critical Athenian government and was sentenced to death by suicide. This was because they corrupted the youth of Athens.