Holocaust pic 1

Into the Holocaust

By kscscs
  • Hitler Came to Power

    Hitler Came to Power
    Hitler became chancellor of Germany. He used his power through tyranny and terror. Within six months, the Nazis stood as the only legal political power in Germany, Hitler’s decrees were laws, basic civil rights had been suspended, and thousands of the Third Reich’s political opponents had been imprisoned.
  • Nuremberg Law

    Nuremberg Law
    Nuremberg Law passed to restrict the Jews.
  • Kristallnacht

    Also known as “Night of the Broken Glass”. The Nazis systematically killed Jews and took them to concentration camps. In the Jewish towns the broke store windows and destroyed buildings.
  • World War II Started

    World War II Started
    The Nuremberg laws on emazeWorld War 2 started with the invasion of Germany in Poland. Hundreds of decrees, such as the Nuremberg Law of September 1935, deprived the Third Reich’s Jews of basic rights. Jews tried to emigrate from German territory, however, they found safe havens. Doors around the world, including those in the United States, were opened reluctantly, if at all, for Jewish refugees from Hitler’s Germany.
  • First Ghettos

    First Ghettos
    The first ghetto was started. Ghettos were segregated Jewish areas. The Nazis used these places to try and starve the Jews or have them die from disease. Even in the ghettos Jews continued to live.
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    Operation BarbarossaAs plans were laid for the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler decided that special mobile killing units, would follow the German army, round up Jews and kill them.
  • Final Solution

    Final Solution
    Responsibility for the HolocaustNazis started the “Final Solution.” It was a program of genocide. He killed everyone that was not the “Aryan” race. They started out taking them to isolated spots and putting them in pits, and that would be their grave.
  • Jew Killings

    Jew Killings
    Jews Wearing Yellow Star ImagesOver 33,000 Jews were lined up and machine-gunned in a gorge near the town.
  • End of the Final Solution

    End of the Final Solution
    SS-Totenkopfverbändehen the second part of the “Final Solution” the Nazis made concentration camps and they could kill 6,000 people a day. They were huge gas chambers, but they told them it was a shower. Then cyanide gas came from the “shower head”, after all the doors were closed. Then the bodies were burned in crematoriums.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    Thirteen trials, known as the Nuremberg Trials, were conducted between 1945 and 1949 in an attempt to bring justice in the face of such crimes against humanity.
  • Citations

    Beck, Roger B. Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. Print. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:New_England_Holocaust_Memorial,_Boston_(2723983335).jpg (image by title) "The Holocaust." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: War. Detroit: Gale, 2009. Student Resources in Context. Web. 4
    Apr. 2016. ROTH, JK. Holocaust. Salem Press Encyclopedia. 2015.