Industries of Colorado

By skruse
  • Banking

    Goods/Services; Safe, protect the money of the people
    Impact; People trusted Colorado with their money
    Reason for coming to Colorado; To keep money safe
    Resources needed; Safe, guards, money, building
  • Mining

    Goods/Services; Gold, Silver, towns, copper
    Impact; Brought more people to Colorado
    Reason for coming to Colorado; To get rich
    Resources needed; Drill, dynamite, pickaxe,ect.
  • CSU

    Goods/Services; Collage education
    Impact; More people can get good jobs
    Reason for coming to Colorado; To learn and get an education
    Resources needed; Classroom, schools, teachers, and computers
  • Steamboat Springs

    Steamboat Springs
    Goods/Services; Snow board, Skies
    Impact; Lots of people heard about it and went to steam boat
    Reason for coming to Colorado; To ski, relax and have fun
    Resources needed; Skies or a snow board and a moutain
  • Rocky Moutain National Park

    Rocky Moutain National Park
    Goods/Services; Goods/Services; Entertainment, beautiful view, fascinating animals
    Impact; Became international and people from all over the world came to Colorado
    Reason for coming to Colorado; Watch wildlife, go hiking and realax and have fun
    Resources needed; A wide open space to protect from extincion
  • Mining Today

    Mining Today
    Goods/Services; Gold, Silver, Precious stones
    Impact; Brought more people to Colorado to mine
    Reason for coming to Colorado; To get gold and get a job
    Resources needed; Drill, dynamite