
Important Events in Education

  • Ye Olde Deluder Satan Law

    Ye Olde Deluder Satan Law
    This was the beginning of required education for children. Towns of 50+ were required to appoint and pay a teacher to instruct students. Towns of 100+ were required to have a grammar school and hire a teacher to prepare students for the university. Town funds were used to fund the schools and pay the teachers.
  • Committee of Fifteen

    Committee of Fifteen
    The committee of fifteen was a significant event in education because it endorsed a more subject focused curriculum in high schools. The core subjects such as math, grammar, etc were taught alongside the arts classses like vocal, music, art, physical education and hygiene rather than separatly. In forming this committee, the high school better prepared students for life after school, rather than only being for those who wanted to attend college.
  • Standardized Tests

    Standardized Tests
    Standardized tests were introduced after WWI. Today these tests are still used to see how students compare with other students in the US and other countries. Some people claim that the tests are an unfair assessment of how students and teachers are doing in the classroom. These protests, however, have not reduced their usage in schools.
  • Brown v The Board of Education

    Brown v The Board of Education
    This was a huge step in integrated education for people of all races. Blacks were allowed to attend school with whites. Whites were not happy with this and refused to send their children to school wth the black childen at first. Eventually white children did attend with the black children after much protesting. Having blacks attend school alongside white children offered them a better education. Many black only schools did not offer a good learning environment for its students.
  • A Nation at Risk

    A Nation at Risk
    American students were found to be performing poorly compared to other nations in science and math. This movement made schools accountable through standardized tests. Students would be required to pass certain tests to graduate from high school. This movement put education in the forefront to give it the attention needed to improve our schools. Requiring that all students be on the same level academically we, as a nation, would be on a better level to compete with other countries.