Imperial Japan

  • 1800's

    The Tokugawa shotgunate had ruled the Japanese islands for two hundered years
  • 1853

    The rebels, seized control of the Nanjung, the second largest city of the empire, they massacred 25,000 men,women,and children.
  • 1858

    As a result of the Treaty of Tianjin in 1858, the Chinese agreed to legaize opium trade and newports to foreign trade.
  • 1863

    The Sato-cho alliance forced the shotgun promised to end relatins with the west.
  • 1868

    Their armies attacked the shotgun's palace in Kyoto and proclaimed that the authority of the emperor had been restored.
  • 1889

    The country was divided into 75 prefectures. The number was reduced to 45 in 1889 and remains the same today.
  • 1904

    In 1904, Japan launched a suprise attack on the Russian naval base at Port Arthur, which Russia has taken from China in 1998.
  • 1905

    In 1905, at a convention in Tokyo, Sun united radical groups from across China and formed the Revolutionary Alliance, which eventually became The Nationalits Party.
  • 1907

    In 1907, President Theodore Rossevelt made a gentlemen's agreement with japan that essentially stopped Japansese immigration to the United States.
  • 1910

    in 1910, Japan annexed Korea right out.