Illustrated Time Line - Imperial Japan

  • European Traders

    European Traders
    European traders began to move into China in great numbers.
  • Rebels Siexed Ninjing

    Rebels Siexed Ninjing
    the rebels seized Ninjing, the second largest city of the empire, and massacred 25,000 men, women and children
  • Townsend Harris

    Townsend Harris
    U.S. consul Townsend Harris signed a more detailed treaty.
  • Sat-Cho

    the Sat-Cho alliance forced a shogun to promise to end relations with the West.
  • Kyoto

    Sat-Cho armies attacked the shogun's place in Kyoto and proclaimed that the authority of the emperor had been restored.
  • Traditional

    Traditional values were also given a firm legal basis in the 1889 constitution, which limited the right to vote to men.
  • Japan suprise attack

    Japan suprise attack
    Japan launched a surprise attack on the Russian naval bast at Port Arthur, which Russia had taken from China in 1898.
  • Japan's Role

    Japan's Role
    the United States recognized Japan's role in return for Japanese recognition of American authority in the Philippines.
  • President Theodore Roosevelt

    President Theodore Roosevelt
    President Theodore Roosevelt made a "gentlemen's agreement" with Japan that essentially stopped Japanese immigration to the United States.
  • Korea

    Japan annexed Korea outright.