If we never fought the Vietnam War

By leunamE
  • Fear Spreads Through America

    Fear Spreads Through America
    American are afraid that Vietnam might try to spread communism to some of the neighboring countries.
  • South Eastern Asian Invasion

    South Eastern Asian Invasion
    North Vietnam conquers Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam.
  • Preparation for War

    Preparation for War
    North Vietnam along with the conquered countries prepare for for war against China. So the can have their force. This lasts for trhee years.
  • The War begins

    The War begins
    The Chinese-Vietnamese War begins. The first has many casualties
  • China is backed into a Corner

    China is backed into a Corner
    China is losin and tries to reason with Vietnam before everything is destroyed. Lasted for 4 years.
  • China Joins America is Worried

    China Joins America is Worried
    Vietnam invades New York, America Is prepared but is quckly overpowered by the surprisingly stong military force of the Vietnamese.
  • American Life is Changed Forever

    American Life is Changed Forever
    America surrenders to stop all the deaths. They join the vietnamese unhappily. Amerca is now communist.
  • Rebellion

    Americans start to rebel against the Vietnamese, take a small part of land in New Jersey as theirs. Vietnam bombs that whole secter shortly after.
  • Vietnam is the Best

    Vietnam is the Best
    Vietnam declares itself the most advenced and powerful empires in the world. Then goes to war with the European Countries.
  • Vietnam Loss World Gain

    Vietnam Loss World Gain
    Vetnam loses the war to Europe and all the conquered countries are free. However America is in shambles.