IDEA Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The U.S. Supreme Court decided it was unconstitutional to segregate children by race.
  • Public law 86-158

    Trained leaders to be able to educate children with disabilities
  • Public Law 87-276

    This law helped establish that students with speech and hearing impairments were able to be taught by educators, speech pathologists, or audiologists trained to help them.
  • ESEA Act of 1965

    ESEA Act of 1965
    Signed into law by President Johnson, called for equal education for all students and federal funding for primary and secondary education.
  • Public Law 90-538

    Public Law 90-538
    This law provide financial support to the establishment of new preschools and early education programs for disabled children Considering that public education is kindergarten to 12th grade
  • Public Law 91-230

    This law established grant programs that encouraged development of educational programs and resources for individuals with disabilities.
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    Made it unlawful to deny educational opportunities to Columbia students classified as "exceptional".
  • Public Law 92-424

    Public Law 92-424
    This Law helped to provide early education opportunities to more disabled children in early schooling.
  • Public Law 93-112

    This law made it so students with disabilities were given support to make sure that they are able to learn in public or federally supported schools with as much success as other students.
  • Public Law 93-380

    Public Law 93-380
    This law focused on making sure students and their families have rights when it comes to education records and introduced amendments to ESEA.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Public Law 94-142
    Signed by President Ford, this law required that all states that accept money from the federal government provide equal access to education for children with disabilities.
  • Public Law 99-457

    Amendment to the All Handicapped children Act, which mandated all states provide Services to families of the children when born.
  • Public Law 99-372

    This law helped relieve the financial stress from families when dealing with the legal matters to support handicapped children in their effort for equal education.
  • Handicapped Children's Protection Act

    Handicapped Children's Protection Act
    Signed by President Reagan, this law gave parents more say in their children's education plan.
  • Public Law 101-476

    This law made changes to public law 94-142 and added children with traumatic brain injuries and autism in the new disability category.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children’s Act

    President Clinton resigned IDEA with several key amendments that provided all students with access to the same curriculum as each other.
  • Public Law 101-336

    This law established clear prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability.
  • Public Law 107-110

    United States federal law that allowed a number of federal programs that aim to improve the performance of America's primary and secondary schools by increasing the standards of accountability also classified as NCLB
  • Public Law 108-364

    This law was made to provide assistive technology to students with disabilities so that they can fully participate in education, and daily activities as other students.
  • Congress amended IDEA

    By calling for early intervention for students, greater accountability, and improved educational outcomes, and raised the standards for instructors who teach special education classes.