what lead up to civil war

  • The Missouri compromise

    The Missouri compromise
    what happened
    it allowed states to be a free or slaved state How/why did it help to divide u.s.a
    states was on or another slaves states or free states important people
    slaves, Washington and Adams Jeffersons and Madison
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    What happened Nat Turner believes that he is the one to make slaves owner pay for their sins of slavery How/why did it help to divide u.s.a The nation is fighting against each other Important people
    god, Nat Turner,
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    What happened Two laws were passed and both of them involved slaves.The first law was the fugitive slave clause which meant that states would have to give up their runaway slave to the slaveowners. The second law was the fugitive slave act and it meant that if people kept the slave they would be penalties. How did it divide the U.S.A
    It was another way to get slaves but to the south Important people
    slaves, whites who help the slaves, slaves owners
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    What happened he Fugitive Slave Act got stronger How did it Divide the U.S.A The Fugitive Slave Act got stronger which meant that slave has a better chance of getting caught Important people
    Wilmot Proviso, Henry Clay Stephen Douglas
  • Uncle tom's Cabin

    Uncle tom's Cabin
    What happened Harriet Beecher wrote a book called Uncle Tom's Cabin and it was about slavery. How/why did it help to divide u.s.a It demand the slaves get equal rights which made the south upset Important people
    Harriet Beecher, UncleTom, Josiah Henson, Abraham Lincoln
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    What happened There was an outbreak in Kansas, about Popular Sovereignty which meant people living in a territory should be free of federal interference in determining domestic policy, especially with respect to slavery. How did it divide the U.S.A North and the south are still fighting about slavry and more people died important people
    John Brown
  • Abraham Lincoln’s Election

    Abraham Lincoln’s Election
    what happened Abraham Lincoln was elected instead of Douglas. How did it divide the U.S.A It divided people still slavery important people
    Abraham Lincoln
  • The battle of fort sumter

    The battle of fort sumter
    What happened
    They started to shoot at fort Sumter and it help cause the civil war
    How/why did it help to divide U.S.A
    Because it was attacked and which made them hate each other more
    important people
    Abraham lincoln,P.G.T. beauregard, Maj. Robert andson