Hugo Chavez

  • Birth

    He was born on July 28th 1954. His birth place was Sabaneta Venezuela. Chavez had three brothers Adan Chavez, Aníbal José Chávez Frías, Argenis Chávez Frías.
  • Academy

    In 1971 Chavez joined Venezuelan military academy. It was in Caracas. He was in the academy for several years until he got kicked out and jailed.
  • Bolivarian Movement

    Bolivarian Movement
    Chávez and some fellow military officers secretly formed the Bolivarian Movement 200 to spread the insurgents’ revolutionary ideology within the military.
  • Period: to

    Prison Sentence

    Chávez, along with other disenchanted members of the military, attempted to overthrow the government of Carlos Andres Perez. The coup failed. Chávez subsequently spent two years in prison before being pardoned
  • Office

    Chávez took office in February 1999. During his time in office he sold oil to Cuba and resisted efforts to stop narcotic trafficking in Colombi. He also subsequently strained relations with the United States.
  • Relected for office

    Relected for office
    Hugo Chavez was elected. He was elected for a 6 year term. Hugo was elected under a different constitution than he was during his other term.
  • Strike

    His workers joined a strike. Chavez fired seven top executives at state oil company for joining strike. Within weeks 18,000 employees are fired for participating in the strike.
  • Therapy

    Hugo was diagnosed with cancer in 2012. Chavez Travels to Cuba. He went to begin first round of radiation therapy. He then had a few more rounds after that.
  • Cancer

    Chavez Announces that his cancer has returned and that he needs surgery again. Also says for the first time that if he is unable to stay on as president, Vice President Nicolas Maduro should take his place and should be elected president.
  • Death

    Sadly Hugo Chavez died. He died after a long fight of cancer with many treatments in cuba. Hugo died at age 58 in Caracas, Venezuela on March 5th 2013.