Civil rights

How Violence Impacted The Civil Rights Movement

  • Emmett Till Murdered For Speaking To White Women

    Emmett Till Murdered For Speaking To White Women
    Emmet till was a 14 year old boy who was dared by his friends to say something to the store owner, the brother's of the lady took emmet and torched him then killed him. This impacted African Americans because they saw that noone should be killed that way and they need to act to do something about it.
  • President Eisenhower Orders Troops To Enforce School Desegregation

    President Eisenhower Orders Troops To Enforce School Desegregation
    President Eisenhower sent troops to protect 9 African American students in little Rock because they were the only blacks there and because of segregation they were taunted, This impacted blacks because they were not allowed to go to white schools but now they are.
  • Mack Charles Parker Taken From Jail

    Mack Charles Parker Taken From Jail
    Three days before Mack was to stand trial, he was dragged from his jail cell he was beaten and shot they found his in the Pearl River 10 days later. This impacted African Americans because it helped with the civils rights movement
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    They were civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated southern United States, did not impact African Americans much because there still was segregation
  • Birmingham

    They used schoolmembers to protest to get Bull conner angry and he responded by releasing attack dogs and using the hose to rip skin off
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    Medgar Wiley Evers was an African-American civil rights activist from Mississippi involved in efforts to overturn segregation at the University of Mississippi. this impacted blacks because it helped them fight the brown vs board of education,
  • Jamie Lee Jackson

    Jamie Lee Jackson
    Jamie Lee Jackson was killed by a state trooper, this impacted african americans. This impacted african americans because he was a big help in the civil rights.
  • MLK Assasianted

    MLK Assasianted
    MLK was shot dead, this impacted african americans because he was a great leader and he helped during the civil rights movement
  • William Lewis Moore

    William Lewis Moore
    Moore was found dead, he was shot in the head twice, He impacted African Americans because he was involved with the Civil Rights Movement
  • Aducted and slain

    Aducted and slain
    civil rights workers where taken and they were killed, this impacted african americans because they were being threatened.
  • Church Bombing

    Church Bombing
    4 girls went to saturday school and there was a bomd downstairs that went off and killed the 4 African American girls. This impacted african americans because it also had something to do with the civil rights moevement,