
How Republicans Will Remember the Obama Presidency (BETA)

  • Period: to

    Birther Movement Emerges

    (timespan needs adjustment)
  • Orly Taitz Produces Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate

    Orly Taitz Produces Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate
    Obama Kenyan, Kenyan birth certificate, Orly Taitz, smoking gun, Obama not natural born citizen, Usurper, Mombasa Kenya birth certificate (need new date)
  • Michelle Obama Queen-Touch Gate

    Michelle Obama Queen-Touch Gate
  • Spicy Mustard Gate

    Spicy Mustard Gate
    Earlier this week President Obama and Vice-President Biden took a little drive in their thousand-car motorcade over to Ray's Hell Burger. When Obama ordered his burger, he asked for "a spicy mustard or something like that, or a Dijon mustard, something like that." That's right, America — Barack Obama likes Dijon mustard; he always has.