
How I Came To Enjoy Reading

  • Pre-K

    I remember knowing that books were important at a very young age, before I could even read. My mother loved to read, and being the school librarian that she was, she kept loads of books, a mini library, within our home.
  • Kindergarten

    I don't recall when I first started reading. I do know that I was usually right on track or ahead of my peers in my reading skills.
  • 1st Grade

    1st Grade
    I never really liked reading like my mother did. I did not enjoy it; it did not appeal to me as much as playing with my Barbies did.
  • 1st Grade - 3rd Grade

    1st Grade - 3rd Grade
    My mother was a librarian for an elementary school out in Boulder City. I had tons of books to read, yet I would watch "The Magic School Bus". Most times, however, I was playing school in the library with all my imaginary students (funny how things turn out).
  • 6th Grade - 12th Grade

    6th Grade - 12th Grade
    I remember being forced to read in middle school and high school. I wasn't a big fan of the books they made us read. For me, this was a major turn off to reading at a younger age because I didn't like being forced to read something I had little to no interest in.
  • 7th Grade - 12th Grade

    7th Grade - 12th Grade
    The few I do remember that I liked stick with me today: "Among the Hidden" and "Fahrenheit 451". Both of these books, I have come to the realization, are Dystopian-type books. Some of my favorite books are "The Hunger Games", "The Giver", "Divergent", and "The Maze Runner".
  • Age 19

    Age 19
    In college, I have been required to read more in 16 weeks than I had in my entire life. I realized I loved learning more through good educational books.
  • Age 21

    Age 21
    Christmas 2017 was spent with my husband's parents in Cabo San Lucas. His step-mom had a kindle. She talked to me about how cheep books were, how easy it is to carry the Kindle around, and how she could read at night. At that moment, something within me clicked. From that point, I wanted a Kindle.
  • Age 21

    Age 21
    Using some Christmas money, we went to Target and bought one. I bought my first book within the day and started to read. I decided that I would read fun, non-educational, books when school was not in session, but during the semester I would read my required textbooks and, if possible, educational books offered through the Kindle.
  • Age 21

    Age 21
    I never thought I would say that I enjoy reading. But because of some very influential and intelligible people, I have found the desire to read.