Horror as a genre

  • Aug 20, 1100

    The Gothic - Starts

  • Aug 20, 1400

    The Gothic - Ends

  • Neocalssicism - Starts

  • Witchcrafting and the supernatural

  • The late 1700th - The Gothic Romance

  • First horror novel - The castel of Otranto

    In 1764 Horace Walpole published the first horror novel, called The Castel of Otranto
  • Neoclassicism - Ends

  • Early 1800 America - Poe and Hawthorne

  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - The Victorian England.

  • Oscar Wilde - Preface to the Picture of Dorian Gray

  • Dracula - The book by Bram Stoker

  • Freuds psychoanalysis

  • Frankenstein the movie

  • Dracula - The Movie

  • The 20th Century - Horror is only a push button away.

    Horror movies were everywhere, and became more and more gruesome and extreme.