Un holocaust victims

Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany
  • First concentration camp

    First concentration camp
    In Dachau, Germany, the first concentration camp was opened.
  • Jewish shops boycotted

    Jewish shops boycotted
    Germans spread the word not to purchase anything from Jewish shops.
  • Undesirables are sent to camp

    Undesirables are sent to camp
    All drunks, as well as homeless and unemployed Jews were sent to the concentration camp in Dachau, Germany.
  • Jews can't have health insurance

    Jews can't have health insurance
    Jews are prohibited from having health insurance.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws were introduced. These laws were designed to take away Jewish rights of citizenship and included orders that:
    -Jews are no longer allowed to be German citizens.
    -Jews cannot marry non-Jews.
    -Jews cannot have sexual relations with non-Jews.
  • Austrian Jews are persecuted

    Austrian Jews are persecuted
    Jews in Austria were prosecuted.
  • Munich Synagogue is destroyed

    Munich Synagogue is destroyed
    The Jewish synagogue in Munich is destroyed.
  • Kristallnacht

    A night of extreme violence where Approximately 100 Jews were murdered. 20,000 German and Austrian Jews were arrested and sent to camps,
  • Jewish kids expelled

    Jewish kids expelled
    All Jewish kids in school were expelled.
  • The rise of the Yellow Star

    The rise of the Yellow Star
    Jews in Poland were forced to sew a yellow star onto their clothes so that they could be identified as jews.
  • New Concentration camp opened

    New Concentration camp opened
    The historically famous concentration camp in Auschwitz is opened.
  • Warsaw Ghetto

    Warsaw Ghetto
    The Warsaw Ghetto is sealed off with about 400,000 Jews inside.
  • First mass-gas attack

    First mass-gas attack
    In Auschuwitz-Birkenau, the 1st mass-gassing occurs.
  • Death camps are destroyed

    Death camps are destroyed
    All evidence of the inhumane cruel killing is destroyed.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    Many remaining camps were closed and evidence of their existence destroyed. Those who had survived the camps so far were taken on forced 'Death Marches', in which many more Jews died of hunger, disease and little rest.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Faced with defeat, Hitler decides to take his own life.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    The war in Europe ends, when Germany surrenders.
  • Nuremberg Trial begins

    Nuremberg Trial begins
    Surviving Nazi leaders were put on trial at Nuremberg.