Holocaust 23xsu36

Holocaust Dates

  • The Persecution Begins

    The Persecution Begins
    Hitler ordered all "non-Aryans" to be removed from governement jobs.
  • Jews are Targerted

    Jews are Targerted
    Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenchip, jobs, and property. Jews had to wear a bright yellow Star of David attached to their clothing to identify themselves as Jews.
  • Kristallnacht

    "Night of Broken Glass"
    Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues across Germany.
  • The St. Louis

    The St. Louis
    The St. Louis, a German ocean liner, passed Miami. Even though most of the passengers had U.S. immagration papers, the Coast Guard followed the ship to prevent anyone from disembarking in America. The ship had to return to Europe.
  • "Final Solution"

    "Final Solution"
    Hitler wanted to rid all of Europe of Jews so he imposed a policy of genocide, which he called the "Final Solution".
  • The Final Stage

    The Final Stage
    The Final Solution's last stafe was developed at a meeting held in Wannsee. Hilter's top officials agreed to begin a new phase of the mass murder of Jews. To mass slaughter and starvation, they would add murder by poison gas.