• 1933

    March 22: The first official Nazi concentration camp opens in Dachau, a small village located near Munich (note: some "wild camps" already existed before 1933: Papenburg, Esterwegen, Börgermoor etc...). The first commandant of Dachau is Theodor Eicke.
  • 1933

    April 26: The Gestapo ("Geheime Stat Polizei" - Secret State Police) is established by Herman Goering, minister of Prussia.
  • 1934

    August 2: Hitler proclaims himself Führer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Reich Chancellor). Armed forces must now swear allegiance to him.
  • 1935

    September 15: "Nuremberg Laws": first anti-Jewish racial laws enacted; Jews no longer considered German citizens; Jews could not marry Aryans; nor could they fly the German flag.
  • 1936

    March 7: Germans march into the Rhineland, previously demilitarized by the Versailles Treaty.
  • 1937

    July 15: Buchenwald concentration camp opens.
  • 1938

    September 30: Munich Conference: Great Britain and France agree to German occupation of the Sudetenland, previously western Czechoslovakia.
  • 1938

    November 9-10: Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass): anti-Jewish pogrom in Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland; 200 synagogues destroyed; 7,500 Jewish shops looted; 30,000 male Jews sent to concentration camps (Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen).
  • 1938

    December 12: One billion mark fine levied against German Jews for the destruction of property during Kristallnacht
  • 1939

    January 30: Hitler in Reichstag speech: if war erupts it will mean the Vernichtung (extermination) of European Jews
  • 1939

    August 23: Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact signed: non-aggression pact between Soviet Union and Germany.
  • 1940

    April 9: Germans occupy Denmark and southern Norway.
  • 1940

    May 10: Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.
  • 1941

    March: Adolf Eichmann appointed head of the department for Jewish affairs of the Reich Security Main Office, Section IV B 4 .
  • 1941

    October: Establishment of Auschwitz II (Birkenau) for the extermination of Jews; Gypsies, Poles, Russians, and others were also murdered at the camp.
  • 1942

    May: Extermination by gas begins in Sobibor killing center; by October 1943, 250,000 Jews murdered.
  • 1943

    Summer: Armed resistance by Jews in Bedzin, Bialystok, Czestochowa, Lvov, and Tarnow ghettos
  • 1944

    March 19: Germany occupies Hungary.
  • 1944

    May 15: Nazis begin deporting Hungarian Jews; by June 27, 380,000 sent to Auschwitz.
  • 1945

    April 30: Hitler commits suicide, liberation of Ravensbruck.
  • 1945

    August 6: Bombing of Hiroshima
    August 9: Bombing of Nagasaki
  • 1945

    September 2: Japan surrenders; end of World War II