
  • The Condemned

    The Condemned
    Hitler's final solution rested on the belief that Aryans were a superior people and that the strength and purity of this "master race" must be preserved. The Nazis condemned to slavery and death not only the jews but other groups that they viewed as inferior or unworthy or as "enemies of the state. The Nazis had concentrated on silencing their political opponents- Communists, socialist, liberals, and anyone else who spoke out against the government.
  • The Persecution Begins

    The Persecution Begins
    Hitler ordered all "non-Aryans" to be removed from government jobs. This order was given for the campaign of racial purity that eventually led to the holocaust. The systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half of whom were Jews.
  • Jews Targeted

    Jews Targeted
    Jews were the center of the Nazis targets. Anti-Semitism or hatred of the Jews, had a long history in many European countries. for decades Germans had blamed the Jews for their failure. In 1935, the Nuremburg laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, and property. Jews had to were a bright yellow star of David attached to their clothing to make it easier to identify them.
  • Period: to


    this timespan became known as the kristallnacht, or night of broken glass. Nazis storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues across Germany. An American who witnessed the violence wrote "Jewish shop windows by the hundred were systematically and wantonly smashed.....". Around 100 Jews were killed and hundreds more were injured. some 30,000 Jews were arrested and hundreds of synagogues were burned.
  • The Plight of the St. Louis

    The Plight of the St. Louis
    This German ocean liner passed Miami in 1939. although 740 of the liners 943 passengers had U.S immigration papers, the coast guard followed the ship to prevent anyone from disembarking in America. The ship was forced to return to Europe.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Jews were ordered into dismal, over-crowded ghettos. Many different groups were targeted. the Jews, gypsies, freemasons, and Jehovah witnesses were targeted in the attacks. concentration camps were places that the captured people would go to. This place is where they would be tourtured and killed.
  • Death Camps

    Death Camps
    the people locked away in concentration camps were often starved, beaten, overworked. the Germans built six death camps in Poland. each camp had several huge gas chambers in which as many as 12000 people could be killed a day.
  • The Final Stage

    The Final Stage
    the final solution reached its final stage in early 1942. at a meeting held in wannsee, a lakeside suburb near berlin, Hitlers top officials agreedto begin a new phase of the mass murder of Jews.