History Timeline

  • Mass Production

    Mass Production has been dated to start in the 1800's with Eli Whitney's firearms factory. It then took off again with Henry J Ford's car mass production,which has shaped the car industry to what it is today.
  • End of WWI

    End of WWI
    World War One, a war that started on the 28th of July, 1914 and came to a halt on this day. 4 years of a long world war involving most countries in the centre of Europe comes to an end. More then 9 million lives have been lost in this huge fight and families and friends of these unfortunate people are glad that it has ended.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    It was the peace treaty that ended the war between Germany and the other countries. It was signed on this day, 28th June, 1919.
  • The Jazz Age

    The Jazz Age
    The 1920's in America formally known as the "Jazz Age" is when majority of people had money to blow, so they lived their lives and dressed differently, with women usually exposing themselves much more then before, exposing such bodily parts as the legs and knees. This was a terryfing shock to those of the older generations.
  • Invention of the television

    Invention of the television
    John Logie Baird was the first person to be able to get moving images through a working television set. It is traced back many years before for different components but this was the invention of the actual television, not components inside.
  • Market Crash of 1929

    Market Crash of 1929
    This all started on a day called Black Tuesday where the maket crashed dramatically. This was the very beginning of the extremely long 10 year 'Great Depression' that changed the world and shook it upside down at the time.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    A 10 year period starting in 1930 that changed America. One of the most iconic events in American History and the most studied event. It all started from the Market Crash and it was an American Depression that lasted for 10 years.
    Jobs were extremely hard to get and many people were left unemployed as the market crash had a huge effect.
  • 1938 Day of Mourning

    1938 Day of Mourning
    The day of mourning, located at what was at the time called 'The Australian Hall' is a day where 100's of aboriginal men, women and kids came together not to rejoice, but to mourn.
  • Start of WWII

    Start of WWII
    A 6 year period starting in 1939 and ending in 1945, the British colony had fought the hardest war they have ever come up against. WWII was a war with virtually everyone involved. With 61 countries involved and three quarters of the world's population at the time, 50 million losing lives whilst 100s of millions returning injured.
  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour

    Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour
    On December the 7th every year, the Americans commemmorate this day for all of the lives lost in this brutal attack. This attack lasted a total of 110 minutes and thousands of lives were lost whilst even more were injured.
  • Bombing of Darwin

    Bombing of Darwin
    The Bombing of Darwin was the first and largest bombing against Australia by a foreign country. The bombing by Japan consisted of 242 Japanese aircrafts which attacked ships parked in Darwin's harbour.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
    The atomic bomb of Hiroshima landed down on the 6th of August, 1945 and the explosion was equivalent to the explosion of 20,000 tons of TNT. It completely flattened the whole city and killed atleast 10,000 people in the city.
  • Decleration of Human Rights

    Decleration of Human Rights
    After realising the atrocities of WW2, people gathered where the charter was adopted in San Francisco and discussed the rights of the Human. Many people lobbied and made a mob outside and this is when human's started to get more freedom and rights in the world.
  • Melbourne Olympics

    Melbourne Olympics
    The first olympic games in the Southern Hemisphere, and the first time it was held in November/ December (Because of the summer seasons being that time of year). These were hosted in and by Melbourne.
  • Invention of the internet

    Invention of the internet
    Unlike other popular inventions, the internet does not have a single inventor yet it has evolved over many, many years and is infact still evolving today. It was first built and used in the war as a weapon but is now used for basically everything today and it would be almost impossible to imagine the world without it. There have been many types of internet which has evolved every single time and it has gone from; Dial-Up, ADSL, ADSL 2+, Cable and the National Broadband Network is now in.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The cuban missile crisis is the closest the world has come to the beginning of a worldwide nuclear war involving such weapons as Nuclear Missiles and Nuclear bombs. A famous quote by the president of the United States at the time, JFK (John F. Kennedy); "We're eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked." - John F. Kennedy, speech in Berlin, 1963
  • Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech

    Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech
    Martin Luther King Jr's speech "I have a dream" is a speech that goes for 17 minutes in which he delivered on the 28th of August in 1963. He talked about an incident which happened in 1862, the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Australian Freedom Rides

    Australian Freedom Rides
    The Australian Freedom Rides was a group of university students that toured parts of Australia to point out the poor conditions that Aboriginals were living in and wanted to make a change for them by stopping the discrimination going on and helping them out. The main points they wanted to point out were the aboriginal's poor; health, education and housing.
  • Invention of the mobile phone

    Invention of the mobile phone
    Martin Cooper is believed to be the inventor of the first portable, handeheld mobile phone and is also the first person to make a call through it. Funnily enough, he called his rival who was trying to beat him in making the product. This is a massive step in the world and it has evolved dramatically to this day.
  • Release of Crocodile Dundee

    Release of Crocodile Dundee
    Paul Hogan, who is famously known for his role in the Crocodile Dundee films and he plays Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee. Since he played this role as fantastic as he did, he won a Golden Globe award.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The reason this wall was ever built was to keep the western Germans from entering the eastern part of Germany. The wall came down on the 9th of November, 1989 when the Easter Germany Communist Party agreed to let anyone from Western Germany enter when they please.
  • United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child

    United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child
    It was the first written and stated law about human rights for all children. Lots have work had been leading up to this the 20 years or so before this but this was one step as it was implemented as a law.